Hi! I liked the idea and to throw punches, a little workout haha.
¿How did you get the force of the punch? because I didn't feel like punching harder was making something.
A few things that I notticed:
- game freezed at first when it loaded the shader of the fire
- If you tilt your head the fire will tilt with you this is a common mistake with particles in vr to fix it, you will need to ignore some rotations of the camera
- Perfomance-wise it was demanding, maybe for the grass and a lot of fire?
- On WebXR is completely broken, only one eye is working and very very lagged. (Quest 2) This probably happend because one material or shader is conflicting with VR
Overall I liked it for a while, is always nice to move the body.
Tested in PCVR via ALVR and webxr