Hi thanks for playing! Nice that you enjoyed the little cardio session :)
For the force of the punch I store the difference in positions of each hand over some frames, and I calculate an intensity based on some value I measured myself (IIRC intensity = minf(1, accumulated_pos_delta / my_max_constant)). but I didn’t have time to fine-tune it properly. So it’s not a very noticeable difference if you punch decently fast. At first I wanted to use RigidBodies but it didn’t seem very easy to do so in VR; and I’m a bit inexperienced with them in general.
Btw the punch is made just by hitting a StaticBody set 0.7m in front of you, attached to the camera :D I think it would be best if I detected a sudden “stop” in the movement or something like that. It was just my first solution and worked well enough for a jam game. Will try some gesture recognition when I find some time, would enable more complex moves.
I couldn’t get my Valve Index controllers to work with the WebXR export so it’s untested. I tried another WebXR game (Open Saber) and same issue there idk why. Game shows up but controllers aren’t detected basically. Also didn’t export for Android Quest properly, it’s my first VR game and I own only a Valve Index 😅
I don’t have performance issues but I have a beefy PC (RX 6950XT and Ryzen 9800X3D). May I know your specs?