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Hi, the extra week is a great opportunity for some more playtesting. 

If someone want to playtest LATE TO THE PARTY I would be super grateful for any feedback. I am specifically interested in actions that you expected to work but gave dull answers.

(Thanks to the ones who has already provided feedback)

Best regards! 

I've recovered six treasures, but I'm stuck with the computer code, which seems easy.


If you examine the computer you will probably solve it. Please let me know If you think the puzzles was fair Once you have solved it.

There is an alternative solution to the password as well, the feedback from a faulty password gives you the password 😅. 

That was SUDDENLY :D What is the purpose of the yellow note then?

Finding the yellow note and using that clue to figure out the dogs name is the puzzle. The is no point in hiding the note, it dosent make the puzzle better, I will make it visible at start in the office.  Thank you for the valuable feedback  

the alternative solution is like an easter egg that only people who has heard the password joke below will find. 
-I canged my password to INCORRECT so if I get it wrong the computer will tell me  -Password is INCORRECT .

But dog's name is not accepted as right password.

You are correct, I misspelled the dogs name in the password check. Sorry! This has now been fixed. 

Thank you for making my game better. 

It's too hard to find, you're ruining your game.

Thank you! I will update the game so the note is not hidden. 

(1 edit)

The problem is not that the note is hidden, it's rather easy, but that the password doesn't match what the note suggests.
(I really like your presentation image; it immediately sets the mood for the game.)

(1 edit)

Thank you for clarifing that. I see the problem and I will see If I can make it more clear that you need to find out what the dogs name is and enter that as the password. 


OK so I made a few changes, let me now what you think. The note is still hidden but I made the text more clear that it was a password clue and not the actual password. I also renamed the BOWL to DOGBOWL so it is more obvious that it belongs to the dog. I also placed a picture of the dog in the MASTER BEDROOM. This way there are 2 ways to find out the name of the dog. And if you come across the name of the dog before finding the yellow note it is possible that you might guess that that is the password. (Because ppl often have bad passwords.) 

(Also I'm glad you liked the TELETEXT inspired title art I made :-)

Puzzle solutions should be obvious in hindsight, not impossible in hindsight.

Wise words. I agree! 

(1 edit)

CD can be taken from the computer many times) If you are already prepared music.

And I have no idea how to connect toothpickers and the paper. I feel subconsciously that this is the right way, but there is not a single clue.

Thank you for spotting the CD bug. It has now been fixed.

Regarding the toothpicks. Both the toothpicks and the other object you need gives a clue about appetizers when you examine them.

This puzzle might be local but if you picture google "toothpick appetizers" you will see what I envisioned.

Best regards!


Well. Then I have only one treasure to find, probably something with the paper. Then no clue for this! :D
P.S. Appetizers this way... ewwww :D

If you x the papers and the puncher you might figure it out. 🙂

Ps. I promise not to tell the guests what the appetizers are made of 😉

Papers is already with holes. Almost from very start, it was one of the first thing I did. But what next -- no idea.


What did you make holes in the paper with? Look inside!

Oh, THATS the idea. Thank you, I won the game finally :D

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The object "MUSIC CD", is not included in GET ALL and PUTT ALL. I don't know if it's from you or Aventuron.

Try recompiling with beta 28, and test the GET ALL issue. I put in a fox for a similar issue (reported by darkbluemonkey) earlier today.

It's weird, I think it's from the game. In 2, only the CASE CD is put down but it doesn't appear in the item list. In 3, a LOOK makes it appear.

1 --------------------------------------
? I
2 --------------------------------------
3 ---------------------------------------
? L
4 ---------------------------------------
? I

I did not know about the get all drop all commands. There is a match for the drop handball that might override the adventuron default logic. I will investigate but I can’t promise that I will fix this one. 

(1 edit)

drop all will be matched by adventuron, then all droppable items you hold will be submitted as individual commands (each consuming one tick). Having a custom handler shouldn't affect the item in a get all any differently to dropping it individually. There was a bug where in this area which coincidentally was fixed (hopefully) yesterday in beta 28.

Please retry with the recent version.

I'm stuck at six treasures. I've got the BOOMBOX, MUSIC CD, RAW MEATBALLS and FORK, but I don't know what to do.
There's something going on in the sauna with the meatballs that I don't understand.

Fork is useless. You already got two things to make noise. And you need one more thing to make something SQUASHED.

Thank you for helping each other out with hints. I love it. 

No, I can't figure it out.

Examining the raw meatballs lets you know you wish they were burgers.  Now, how would you make raw hamburgers from raw meatballs? 

regarding the boombox you have basically solved that puzzle so just use or play either one of the items. 

Thank you, I finished the game!

I really like your game but there are a few things that screw it up a little bit.
For example:
Does it make no sense to put a cd in a boombox? Do I have to be punished with a DOESN'T WORK for that!

You have pop colors and I like that very much. It gives energy and joy.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play my game and give feedback. 

You are absolutely right regarding the boombox. I can’t believe I missed that. I will fix that before the jam ends. 

Best regards! 

(2 edits)

Maybe now that the password works, you can keep the picture, but remove the hint from it; it's a little too easy.
You can also add a message other than "DOESN'T WORK" when you open the fridge or use the oven a second time.

This is a great little game. I really enjoyed it. My test comments are mainly related to cosmetic issues and commands I tried that didn't work. I was using version 1.0.9. It looks like you have already fixed most of the issues raised by others.

Can you add the title to the title screen? (Personally, I don't like the title screen, as it might give people the wrong impression about what to expect in the game.)

Consider overriding CREDITS with something prettier. This is not restricted to six words. You can still see the system credits with *CREDITS.

Also consider overriding HELP, as the default system response is more than six words. The type of help provided with the system help can be provided on your page if you haven't done it already.

In master bedroom, "parents bed" should be "parents' bed" (assuming two parents).

You're missing a few full stops at the end of sentences.

The response to EXAMINE MIRROR should have the exclamation mark AFTER the closing double quote.

Avoid excessive use of exclamation marks. Only use these if it really is an exclamation.

When you OPEN DRAWER, "BALLONS" should be "BALLOONS".

Exclamation mark (or preferably full stop) should not be part of the rainbow colour scheme after OPEN DRAWER, PUNCH PAPER and COOK BURGERS.

There's a bed, but SLEEP is not understood and you can't SIT BED or LIE BED or MAKE BED.

"multi colored" should be "multi-colored", as it's a compound adjective.

When you EXAMINE COMPUTER a second time, you find the yellow note again. Use has_not_created "yellow_note" to ensure that the response is different after finding the note.

Music CD and CD case is troublesome. I wanted to put the CD in the case. I tried INSERT/PUT/PLACE/REPLACE/COMBINE/ATTCH/JOIN CD, all to no avail. (This was before I knew there was somewhere else to put the CD.)

"APPETISERS" should be a synonym for "APPETIZERS" for those of us that speak English rather than American.

I feel that "DOGFOOD" and "DOGBOWL" should be "DOG FOOD" and "DOG BOWL" respectively, i.e. two words. You've got "FOOD" as a synonym for "DOGFOOD", but you don't have "BOWL" as a synonym for "DOGBOWL".

Put full stop after "It's freezing ouside" and "Garden door is frozen", so that you have two sentences in each of those responses.

You should be able to INSERT CD into boombox rather than (or in addition to) START BOOMBOX, as the latter doesn't really make sense without a CD inserted. It would be better if you do INSERT CD and START BOOMBOX as two separate commands. If you EXAMINE BOOMBOX, it already gives you a hint about what you need to do. If you EXAMINE CD after inserting CD, but before starting it, it can tell you "CD inserted." If you START BOOMBOX without inserting the CD, it should say, "No CD."

It didn't understand POUR BEVERAGES in the messy garage or MELT ICE, MELT DOOR, UNFREEZE DOOR, HEAT DOOR, USE BEVERAGES, HIT DOOR, KICK DOOR, BREAK DOOR, KNOCK DOOR, TAP DOOR, SMASH DOOR. (This was before I discovered how to open the door.)

It didn't understand DRINK BEVERAGES. Perhaps add a response like "Too hot." (when warm) or "Save for party guests." when cold.

"Hot air fix door swings open" doesn't make sense. Perhaps it should be "Hot air works. Door swings open."

MICROWAVE should be synonym for OVEN.

Can't CLOSE OVEN/BAG/CABINET/FRIDGE even though you can open them.

Can't INSERT/PUT/PLACE/USE/THRUST/JAB/STAB FORK in socket in garage. (I thought I would either get electrocuted or cause a short circuit to melt the ice.)


When you drop the final treasure, the response flashes up and disappears before you get a chance to read it. Put a press_any_key statement after the print statement so that you get a chance to read it.

As I said earlier, I love the game. It just needs a little bit of tidying up to make it really professional. Now, onto the next game.

Thank you so much for the extensive feedback. I have gone through it step by step and I have adressed most of it. The big thing was the boombox puzzle. This was overcomplicated but has now been greatly improved based on your feedback. 

Thank you!

Very minor issues to report. The game is very light hearted and fun. 

  1. After typing the correct password into the computer, the computer spits out a CD, but it appears that the game issues one too many : press_any_key events when doing this.
  2. After typing the correct password, before it prints "PASSWORD CORRECT" there is a redundant press_any_key command (not required, as password correct already has a press_any_key command.
  3. Also after printing "COMPUTER FREEZES" there are TWO press_any_key commands (when there should just be one.
  4. If you EXAMINE COMPUTER a second time after finding the note, it tells you you find the note, when it shouldn't report this any more.
  5. If you grill the burgers, it prints out "GLILLING THE BURGERS". (spelling mistake).
  6. PLAY MUSIC will play the music in the boombox, but I tried PLACE CD and INSERT CD first (both didn't work).
  7. After I PLAY MUSIC, then there is a redundant press_any_key command (not needed). Adventuron places it's own press_any_key events after printing something and changing the contents of the current location. I also think you should use the : swap command to swap the boombox for the blasting boombox (so that you swap it in its current location - which may be the player inventory). By destroying the boombox and creating the blasting boombox, you essentially create the boombox on the floor of the room you are in, whether you are holding it or not. The swap command can replace the destroy and the create.
  8. I can't seem to do much with the punched papers, you need responses for GET PAPERS, MAKE CONFETTI. I'm not sure what to do with the paper.
  9. After I create the blasting boombox, it appears I still have the CD CASE. No big deal, just odd I suppose that the boombox needed the cd case (and not the cd).
  10. I'm guessing I need to get some string from somewhere to make streamers from the punched papers. Stuck.
I'm guessing I need to get some string from somewhere to make streamers from the punched papers. Stuck.'

Agree. I was in the same trouble with papers. I was absolutely sure that I needed a rope or something like that to create flags or other decor.

I know you have both solved the paper punch puzzle, but for anyone else that's reading this and perhaps doesn't know how a paper punch works, the larger models usually have a little draw in the bottom of the punch that collects all the paper. You have to empty this occasionally or it gets full. Think about that.

Thank you for this structured feedback. I have adressed everything. The cd case is meant as a clue for where to find the cd. I made it more clear that you don't actually need the empty case.