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Hopelessly Depraved

A member registered May 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Don't get your hopes up. I don't really feel like investing more work into this game. But I might reuse and improve some of the tech I created for this game in my next project.

(2 edits)

Did you find the monologue where she calls the monster weak, pathetic and an embarrassment for tentaclekind yet?

(I actually hope you didn't, because shortly after the deadline I noticed that I forgot to add facial expressions to that one and also made a stupid typo. Gonna fix that when voting is over)

You got to work more on your controls, dude. They feel super floaty, both in the 3d world and in the 2d minigame.

(2 edits)

Super cute game. I love the simple yet effective way of doing the walking animations. I don't really understand what's supposed to be erotic about this game, but I guess vore is just not my kink. Although the gameplay is quite frustrating, because critters that are large enough to eat you are also faster than you, so you don't really have a way to escape them (or is there?).

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I like that you put some effort into creating a proper tutorial. It's far too common for jam games to not explain anything and just expect people to find out everything on their own.

I also like that there is narrative framing gives some context to each battle, and there is a lot of artwork in the game.

Just the gameplay itself could need some more depth. 

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I didn't really understood what I was supposed to be doing, but the whole presentation with the UI, music, classic artwork and ancient poetry was so relaxing and beautiful.

(2 edits)

I wish I could rate your game fairly, but unfortunately it was way too hard for me. So I will leave it to people with more frustration tolerance than me.

Sorry for being such a scrub. I bet it gets hot somewhere after the 5th screen.

Cute and funny game in a weirdly dark scenario. I had a lot of fun guessing which prostitute is the best for each client based on the client's dialog and the prostitute's character description.

I liked the devil/angel duo where the angel is naughtier than the devil.

It's a cool game idea, and a good execution as well.

RPGMaker is a weird engine choice for a game like that. If you don't want to limit yourself to classic JRPGs, then learning a more flexible game engine might allow you to accomplish more with less work. But you do you.

Great looking background art, and the breast expansion is well-animated. I can also see some marginal improvements in art quality from last year's chapter.

I can't take much credit for the 3d model, though. I just generated her with VRoid Studio, and drew some nipples and vagina onto her.

(1 edit)

Damn, how dare that thing call itself a sexbot when it can't stop itself from cumming without my permission?!? I expect some more stamina from my toys. That naughty thing needs some punishment!

I got stuck on the level on the second screenshot. I assume I need to get the red block on the unlock-tile directly and not on the 1 tile below it. But how? Or am I on the wrong track here?

Lots of really nice background art.

Ridiculous plot.

I like it!

The game mechanics were a bit obtuse for me at first, but once I understood what I was doing they turned out to be interesting and intriguing.

I also like the character design. The girls all look adorable, and the environmental art also does its job.

I couldn't complete the game because I didn't manage to pass beyond the point where you have a two small vibrating blocks at the right side of the screen.

I gave full points in the Stealth category, though. Because while the game is probably very dirty to you, it seems completely benign to a casual observer looking over your shoulder.

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It seems to me like you are still getting a hang of 3d game development in Godot. Keep at it! There will be awesome things you will be able to do in this medium once you have a better understanding of the technology and of the art of game design.

The pixel art is cute. But you still need to work on your walk cycles, they seem a bit choppy. The music and the snow storm special effect create a really good atmosphere.

The character writing isn't bad either. Even though the game drops me pretty in-media-res without explaining anything about who the characters are and what their relationship is, it manages to give a pretty good picture of the character dynamic over the course of the short narrative.

The mechanic of putting the player back all the way to the beginning when they pick a wrong exit is indeed a huge waster of the player's time. It could be fixed by simply putting the player back to the room they came from.

Not sure why everyone acts as if having sex in a game that does not involve the player-character, or "NTR", is such a taboo subject for some people. In worlds where all the characters are horny, it's just natural that the PC isn't the only one they want to bang. Observing romance and sex among NPCs can be just as hot as having the self-insert protagonist be involved themselves.

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The most challenging part was finding the right keys when you are not using an US keyboard.

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Probably because the strawberry is objectively the most erotic fruit that is also frequently used to make jam.

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A pity that this game seems like it didn't turn out as what you wanted it to be, with half the minigames obviously missing. But that's the tyranny of game development: So many ideas and just not enough time to execute on all of them.

(2 edits)

Thank you for creating this very educational game. It taught me a lot about equine anatomy which I assume is well-researched and 100% factual.

FYI: The Windows build actually worked a lot better for me than the web build. In the web build, the pose menu wouldn't open and the Continue-button on the "Onlyfawns" page didn't work either.  I didn't have any of those problems with the Windows build. I am using Firefox on Windows 10.

Yes, that lever-puzzle was indeed super-frustrating. There wasn't really any rhyme or reason to it, and no way to correct mistakes except by resetting it all the way back to the beginning.

In case anyone else is frustrated, here is the solution:

1. 1st floor right lever

2. 2nd floor left lever

3. 3rd floor left lever

4. 2nd floor right lever

5. 3rd floor right lever

6. 3rd floor middle lever

(16 edits)

This is a pet-peeve of me as well. Putting the content the player actually wants to see behind lose-conditions is just bad game design. You are supposed to reward the player for playing well. Not for intentionally failing at the game.

I think this trope is so prevalent because many game designers think in stock game genres that are simulations of conflict resolutions through violence: JRPGs, action-adventures, fighting games, shoot-em-ups, platformers... these are all genres where you usually kill or be killed. When you then try to add sex to these game mechanics, then there are really just three possible ways to do that:

  • Sex when the player defeats an enemy, which essentially turns the player into a rapist. Sure, some people are going to enjoy this. And I would have to lie if I said that I never enjoyed a game with non-consensual sex. I am a dominant and a sadist, so the fantasy does appeal to me. But it just feels wrong to me to create such a game, because it stands in dissonance with my own personal moral value that BDSM without consent is abuse.
  • Sex when the player is defeated. This doesn't have that unfortunate connotation, and allows the player to experience rape fantasies without feeling the guilt of being the assailant. But it rewards the player for losing which is, as I mentioned before, just bad game design.
  • Sex shown separated from the game mechanics, for example in cutscenes between levels. Which leads to the porn feeling disconnected from the gameplay and shoehorned in.

So what's the solution?

We need to stop thinking in traditional genre conventions and figure out more original ways to gamify sexuality.

[begin shameless self promotion] In my submission to this jam, Tentaculord, I went for the tentacle sex trope; a mainstay of hentai and almost always framed as non-consensual. But with the twist of having a "victim" who explicitly and enthusiastically consents to being dominated and violated. Consensual non-consent can be a good way to frame an adversarial game mechanic in a non-rapey way. In my game before, Fling League, I framed it all as a sports competition with consenting participants. This "game within a game" framing can also be a good way to make an inherently violent game mechanic seem less violent. [end shameless self promotion]

(7 edits)
Begin game evaluation algorithm
Visual character customization detected. Effort appreciated.
Check mechanic: Intransparent. Minor frustration events logged.
Quality of worldbuilding: high
Sound design: adequate.
Visuals: lovely
Character depth: intriguing.
Kink: interesting 
Conclusion: Further exploration of themes desired.
(1 edit)

I love your simple but effective and cute art style. And a ton of really creative monster girl ideas too. The level select screen filling up with more and more mementos from all the girls you encountered is also a nice touch.

Had fun catching them all.

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Really cute art style, and decent momentum-based platformer controls. Would love to see more of those two cute succubi.

But if I might offer some constructive criticism: 

  • The level looked really empty to me. I also found it very confusing to navigate. I often didn't know where I was supposed to go, and ended up heading into the wrong direction.
  • It feels unnatural that I can't chain a wall-jump with an airdash. Or don't seem to have any air control at all after a wall-jump.
  • A simple way to make a 2d game look a lot more polished is to not glue the camera directly to the player-character but have it move a bit. GMTK made a video about what you can do to make platformer camera controls more engaging.

I hope that these bullet points didn't come across as too nagging. I wouldn't give you feedback if I wouldn't believe in you that you can do better.

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Sorry, but the jam is over. I did what I could in 1 month while also working a full-time job and having a life.

But if this game does well (not just in the jam but also with the general public), then perhaps I will do a sequel with a new character and perhaps one or two new game mechanics.

(2 edits)

This is why I love game jams! Silly ideas with just enough execution to make them work.

I didn't manage to complete it, though, because the latter phase of the game was too difficult for me, and getting there took too long to keep my interest. I also didn't see any of the promised powerups. Was that a bug or did you just not get around to add them? (I played the web build, btw)

Edit: I played again with some permanently enabled powerups enabled in the settings because I wanted to see the ending. And now powerup bottles were spawning. Something seems to be glitchy about the way you handle the settings.

When you played it the day before yesterday, then you probably played the 1.1 version. Please try the 1.1.1 build, it contains a couple fixes.

The 3rd grabbing tentacle should unlock as soon as you fuck her anally or vaginally. Oral is not going to work (I disabled that intentionally, because having a tentacle in her mouth disables all the dialog, and I didn't want people to miss out on it).

It was a bit different in the first build I submitted, where it was indeed a bit more obscure. Are you sure you downloaded the new 1.1.1 version?

Have you figured out how to make the penis tentacle keep on fucking when you release the left mouse button?

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You made Dwarf Fortress, but horny.

Creating a full-fledged colony sim in just a month for a game jam would have been a pretty tall order, so it's understandable that the gameplay is pretty basic. But it's really impressive how well you got the agent AI to work in such a short amount of time.

The basic technical framework seems to be in place, but what's missing is content. So it would be really a pity if you wouldn't keep working on this project.

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Love the creepy atmosphere, and very cool art design.

During the game I often had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. I wasn't able to memorize all the information from the frontloaded text tutorial without having any context, and I forgot what each lever and button was supposed to do.  Then I restarted the game to read the tutorial again, and then I knew what I was doing. Or so I thought. Until at some point the game told me that I lost, and I had no idea what I did wrong. Then I did another playthrough. Again I was thinking I did everything correctly. And yet, at some point, the game again told me "your victim was snatched, you lose".

(2 edits)

Your game looks great. The main gameplay gimmick of taking out enemies in pairs by getting them to fuck is a cool idea and you executed it well. Good work.

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Sweet and mellow visual novel. Made me feel all warm and cozy while reading. Just probably a bit too tame for this game jam.

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Good character and sound design, a really cool graphic style that looks minimalistic without looking cheap and the beginning of a story that seems quite intriguing to me. Too bad that there isn't really a lot of "game" yet. But I think there is definitely a lot of potential here.

Damn, how am I supposed to not look at the girl's cooches when they put the wood blocks for me to chop right there?

(2 edits)

Really like the pixel art and the music. And there is really a ton of content. Too bad that I don't have the time to solve all those puzzles, or I am not going to have enough time to check out all the other submissions.

What I didn't like is that many of the puzzles have a ton of identical tiles you can't really figure out any other way than through trial and error. Perhaps you could let the player place those interchangeably? It should be possible to detect identical tiles automatically.

This interactive novel gave me a lot of good laughs. You are pretty good at writing comedy. Would murder a planetary civilization for breast growth again.