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Nice platformer and you definitely feel lack of controls when it alters each level. However I would think adding some more mechanics would be good, as it becomes somewhat boring after few levels.

I've also hit a bug (I think) where both left and right movement got same hotkey and I wasn't able to move left/right at all.

Double jump is OP, you can basically skip half or even two third of platforms.

Graphics are basic, but look pretty slick. Music and sounds are good!

Yeah we left in some bugs here and there because of time constraints, sorry you had to experience that. Thanks for the feedback!

We definitely felt that there could be more to it with more mechanics, different constraints on controls, etc.

Hmm... I thought I fixed that :D It might have been one button assigned to "x" and the other to the multiplication sign on the numpad. They look practically identical in the sprite sheet we had


It was "d" for left and "d" for right :)