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Very impressive title. Definitely my favorite to play so far in byte off 2020. Unfortunately there are a lot of tiles I got stuck on and had to go back to a previous state (I started to save often) and there's some weirdness when you talk to people twice. But, everything else is really great. This is a gem.

Stuck how? only places you can get stuck now is if you dash up where there's only one tile which i have to fix it and make it two tiles solid away from the hud. I you got stuck in a block during transitioning stages that's the Nesmaker itself. Only two text glitches I know. One if you dash into the auto text and the other if you speak to Dale twice which is out of my hands lol
but glad you liked it :D


Yeah it was during screen transitions, most of the time due to dashing :)

dashing areas most likely in the green areas (trees and grassy areas) i didnt have time to adjust it. But random warp placement is due to Nesmaker lol