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The script player_load_starting_coordinates is called to load all the starting coordinates normally, if you changed the start flow (e.g. skipping the player creation menu) you might have removed that call so it won't happen. (Try adding a debug message to show global.saved_room_pos_x / global.saved_room_pos_y when loading - if they're different from the coordinates you defined something is wrong with reading them)

If you remove all classes, you should set the macro to 0. (It's better to have a placeholder class that has the default stats, though - they're used when finalizing the character customization)

The connector biome has a very neutral tileset and no music, it's inspired by the loading rooms from Symphony of the Night:

Only background doors can take arguments. These arguments are the map cell for the target room (you can see this in the world map editor). If the door doesn't do anything after opening, that means there's nothing in that cell on the world map. So basically these doors are teleporters.
One-way doors work the same way as normal background doors, but you need to open them from the back before they become usable from the front side.

(3 edits)

i hope its not to anoying i keep asking, hopefully others can use the answers aswell :)

when i change the players cord, to the image you can see here, i still spawn a completly diffrent place as you can see from the little movie i made

if i change the classes to only allow the knight, it works fine, if i do anything else it crashes with:

action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_charactercustomization_setup:

Variable obj_verticalmenu.class_name_array(102753, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
 at gml_Script_minit_title_charactercustomization (line 20) -        ggui_menu_add_option_multichoice(mev_adjustmultichoice,     "Class",            "Character profession. Has large impact on abilities.",     pcust_CLASS,        current_customization[pcust_CLASS],         class_name_array,                                 
gml_Script_minit_title_charactercustomization (line 20)
gml_Object_obj_charactercustomization_setup_Create_0 (line 96) -     minit_title_charactercustomization()

also happens if i set #macro playerclass_MERCENARY 0 and KNIGHT to 3.

It seems the KNIGHT one is hardcoded to be used as a default in a lot of places? 

the enemy is calling script_execute(state) where is that state script? the search in gml does not seem to find it?

how is the animation set on player/enemies?

the light around the player what controls that? i want to implant night/day so having the light controled by an item would be nice. (light radius).

i can see some areas has 2 pictures for paralex, and some have 3? how is that controlled? 

Any way to expand the tileset to allow for more tiles? i an see i can easy extend it to allow for more background objects like trees? what if i want more tiles to paint levels with, that has collision? (the reason i asked is becaus i bought this tileset 

and i would like to keep some more of the tiles to paint levels with. it does not matter if the auto tile system does not use it, as long i can place it to fine tune the level with.

Oh, I think I can see what's wrong now: the x/y position displayed in the level editor is measured in TILES, but the position used for the starting coordinates is measured in PIXELS. If you change the starting coordinates to 33*TILESIZE for the x value and  147*TILESIZE for the y value it should work.

Knight isn't hardcoded to be the starting class specifically, the game defaults to the class with ID 0 (which happens to be the knight class).

You could probably remove that ggui_menu_add_option_multichoice line entirely (so the player can't change classes) but the default stats still will be read from the class data. Also there's a number of pcust_ macros (pcust_NAME for instance) which are used to refer to the different data in the character customization, these also needs to be adjusted if you remove anything from that menu.

Enemy state machine scripts are found in Scripts --> State Machine --> Enemy. (GM protip: you can middle-click asset names in code to instantly open them, use Ctrl + T to search by name, and Ctrl + Shift + F to search for text in the entire codebase)

Player animation is handled by the state machine, some states use a shared script like player_animate_ordinary, but some states just load an hardcoded animation with skelani_set_animation. Most enemies set their animation in their step / end step event with skelani_set_animation.

The light effect is controlled by an object called obj_darknesscontrol. Right now they're only spawned by the biome setup scripts (for cave, castle, forest, shrine and graveyard biomes) but nothing stops you from spawning them whenever you want, or copying the object to make special versions.

Backgrounds also are controlled by the biome, you can set this up in the level_init_biomes script. Right now it supports up to 3 backgrounds.

One way to extend the tile system to use pre-made tiles without having to get them into the system that's used in the engine now would be to add another case in pixel_vacant that checks if the tile's top position is >= 9*TILESIZE, and if so, treat it as a solid and abort early. (You'd place this before the check if the tile is in the DECO area). Now you can take the template (or the existing level tileset you want to use), resize the canvas so it's taller, and just paste the new "off-grid" tiles  at the bottom. (You can make it wider too if needed, of course)

(1 edit)

"Enemy state machine scripts are found in Scripts --> State Machine --> Enemy. (GM protip: you can middle-click asset names in code to instantly open them, use Ctrl + T to search by name, and Ctrl + Shift + F to search for text in the entire codebase)"

Did not see the enemy had a parrent, on that parrent object i could see the real name of the state script. Thanks!

"Backgrounds also are controlled by the biome, you can set this up in the level_init_biomes script. Right now it supports up to 3 backgrounds."

"One way to extend the tile system to use pre-made tiles without having to get them into the system that's used in the engine now would be to add another case in pixel_vacant that checks if the tile's top position is >= 9*TILESIZE, and if so, treat it as a solid and abort early. (You'd place this before the check if the tile is in the DECO area). Now you can take the template (or the existing level tileset you want to use), resize the canvas so it's taller, and just paste the new "off-grid" tiles  at the bottom. (You can make it wider too if needed, of course)"

Thanks, i just tried to add another row of 16 to the line #macro tstb_DECO 176 to 192, and it seems to be working, and it seems to be working with collision.

thanks for taking the time again. are there any special realation between the size off one room on the world map 1x1 vs how many pixels it is in the level editor. ? is that something that can be changed? 

One map cell is (by definition) a space of VIEW_W x VIEW_H pixels. (Those have default values 640 x 360, respectively). So changing VIEW_W and VIEW_H will change the size of map cells. (The cells aren't used for anything special in the level editor other than acting as a guide)

The views (and menu rooms' sizes) won't automatically adapt to this new size so if you change the view size you will need to change those as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

 Would changing those values also change the resolution of the game? say i want to run it as 1024/768 ?

If you ever want to build on this, add a way to add tiles in 2 layers, so you can have background tiles under the real tiles.