Can you send me the debug log again? I don't know where the error is happening anymore.
Viewing post in IndexOutOfRangeException trying to confirm fix.
in V.1.9.1 you can see where I attempted to catch the errors myself but just kept moving the problem.
Debug.LogError("SUPERTEXTMESH Index Length Error");
The first error was here. info was not large enough for i.
Font myFont = info[i].fontData != null ? info[i].fontData.font : font; //use info's font, or default?
//info[i].size *= bestFitMulti;
void RebuildTextInfo()
drawText = ParseText(text); //remove parsing junk (<col>, <b>), and fill textinfo again
lineBreaks.Clear(); //index of line break characters, for centering
hyphenedText = string.Copy(drawText);
CalculateLineHeights(); //figure out line heigts for unwrapped equation
//Debug.Log("lines: " + lineHeights.Count);
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(info.Count > 0 ? info[0].indent : 0f,
lineHeights.Count > 0 ? -lineHeights[0] : -size,
0f); //keep track of where to place this text
if (bestFit != BestFitMode.Off)
unwrappedBottomRightTextBounds.x = 1f;
unwrappedBottomRightTextBounds.y = 1f;
//apply this multi to every letter early
for (int i = 0; i < hyphenedText.Length; i++)
info[i].size *= bestFitMulti;
CalculateLineHeights(); //now with multi applied, redo line heights
pos.x = info.Count > 0 ? info[0].indent : 0f;
pos.y = lineHeights.Count > 0 ? -lineHeights[0] : size;
totalWidth = 0f;
if (AutoWrap > 0f)
{ //use autowrap?
//TODO see if setting "quality" to be info[i].ch.size has any GC issues, now: 2016-10-26
for (int i = 0, iL = hyphenedText.Length; i < iL; i++)
{ //first, get character info...
if (i < info.Count && i < hyphenedText.Count())
Font myFont = info[i].fontData != null ? info[i].fontData.font : font; //use info's font, or default?
//info[i].size *= bestFitMulti;
myFont.RequestCharactersInTexture(hyphenedText[i].ToString(), GetFontSize(myFont, info[i]), info[i];
CharacterInfo ch;
if (i < info.Count && i < hyphenedText.Count())
if (myFont.GetCharacterInfo(hyphenedText[i], out ch, GetFontSize(myFont, info[i]), info[i]
{ //does this character exist?
info[i].ch = ch; //remember character info!
// If the character changed, update the cached sizing values.
// SetTextGenSettings(info[i], i);
//else, don't draw anything! this charcter won't have info
// how it USED to work! instead, lets draw it in a fallback font:
myFont = data.defaultFont;
if (myFont.GetCharacterInfo(hyphenedText[i], out ch, GetFontSize(myFont, info[i]), info[i]
//change the font on this mesh to the default
info[i].fontData = new STMFontData(data.defaultFont);
info[i].ch = ch; //remember character info!
// SetTextGenSettings(info[i], i);
Debug.LogError("SUPERTEXTMESH Index Length Error");
if (!allFonts.Contains(myFont))
{ //if this font is not listed yet
Debug.LogError("SUPERTEXTMESH Index Length Error");
Actually, I can't see it because in the latest version, when I hit ctrl+f for that line, it's commented out! So if the error is still happening in the latest version, it must be happening somewhere else. Please update to the latest version and if the error pops up, please send me the error Unity throws, and I'll be able to track it down at it's source.