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Super-retro and super-fun Christmas adventure that feels like something straight out of the 80s.  Dad + son team really enjoyed completing this. It's  just the right level of not-too difficult, with a couple of  bits that require more thought - overall took us just under an hour to finish.  Top marks for the the nostalgic minimalistic retro graphics although ideally I would have liked some sound effects to complement them (a beeping Jingle Bells would have been perfect). Festive and charming overall - good job!

There are quite a few bugs and little bits that could do with attention - nothing game-breaking and all easy enough to fix. Here's what I noted:

- there are some examinable items pictured but not listed as objects (the waste bin in Santa's office, the picture in the hall) and conversely some objects listed but not pictured (the table in the hallway, which feels as though it should be pictured as it is important; likewise the baby reindeer, although that would be more of a challenge to draw).  Following one practice or or the other would be better than inconsistency;

- there are no take or drop messages (noticeable by their absence if you're used to seeing them);

- error in storeroom description: "Everything you need to care for the reindeer's get stored in here.." [Everything you need to care for the reindeer gets stored in here.];

- milk bottle: you're reminded that it is not a container if you try and put anything  in it, which sounds odd. You could anticipate that attempted action and add a more sensible response. Also make it explicit that is is closed at first and needs to be opened. Also, when it contains milk the noun 'bottle' is no longer recognised and you have to take and drop 'milk' instead.

- making the milk is a proper guess-the-verb quest (you can't add powder to water or put powder in pan etc). We got there in the end but the required form of words could be made clearer;

-  things that produce 'you can't see that' responses when they are clearly there: snow (outside - it's everywhere!), workbench in workshop, bedside table in bedroom;

- search cupboard / oven = "the x is already open!"

- typos in help / hints = "remember to examine everythig", "in some cases it will also offer you with a clue"

 There may be one or two others in addition to the above but those are the obvious ones that I spotted.

A couple of other comments: I see that you're using SEARCH as well as EXAMINE as a way to find undiscovered objects. That's fine by me, but some others are against it.

I see that the red herring has already been commented on elsewhere. I think it's fair enough to have it, but it might have been better if one of the objects involved had another use elsewhere rather than making the entire thing a pointless (if entertaining) diversion.

Great effort though. I played 'Dinosaur Island', so was expecting this to be good and wasn't disappointed.

Thanks Christopher for your constructive feedback.

I've made a few minor changes based on your feedback and quickly resolved some of the minor interactions. I apologise if the odd diversion from the main quest by the use of red herrings affected your experience. There are a number of them in the game and the intention was to add some 'tongue in cheek' humour into the game. Originally I was going to implement a scoring system where 60% of it was generated by the quest and the remaining 40% would be based on these comedy interactions, but I personally find scoring systems a bit annoying. On this basis I decided to leave it out.