Ok, very fascinating submission. It was truly enjoyable 10mins of my time, but let's critisize a little :P
I'm really sorry, but I had a problem with getting a theme in this one :/ I know that we are lighting off those lanterns, but it felt a bit unrelated to me. Tried tho.
Great job out there. Both light/dark motives are beautiful. You made an amazing use of glow here and it really gives that mystery feeling all the time. (loved that at the ending I could also turn off the light, it was really suprising :D). Hmm if I were to recommend anything, it would be probably about consistensy of art. Almost the only thing that made me notice some mistakes was that some of the objects in dark mode are made with lower and some with higher resolution. Same goes for glow, some have pretty strong glow and some (like fish) are very delicate. It's a small thing, but already while playing my mind is focused on several parts of the screen at once, as some objects are more distinctive from the others. Also I had the problem with objectives (this X, Fish sign etc), if other objects are much more detailed, then they ought to be too. I know that you wanted to make them different to show that they are your objective, but maybe it would rather be better to somehow do them in a similar style as those statues, so that they are not differing from other glowwy objects and we can fit them as out objective. PS: I loved the particle animation you did at the end of every level, beautiful!
Very enjoyable, well thought and it has a great potential to build upon.
Game design:
You made a wonderful job on leading the player. Game isn't too hard nor too easy and when I got used to the system, I could easily read what you were trying to tell me each level. Maybe it would be good to show that some objects (those that were glowwy in dark mode: like trees, walls) that we could go through, were somehow like 'ilusion', so that when we cross them, they got some ripple effect/getting transparent on them or sth like that, so that you don't feel like game is buggy, but rather that this object really isn't there. Just a loose idea.
I liked the sounds and music was deeply climatic (I've even waited in the credits till it ended before quiting the game). So great job here too
That's a lovely submission and I'm really happy I could play it. Thank you :)