Was going to do a separate post about the new (Man) Upgrade sys, but maybe I should add to this one.
-Crops "feel good" b/c mostly they're cheaper. (which they should be!)
-How can food possible be OP?!? It doesn't do anything (just like RL!) except help you survive! (ok maybe make some gold if you sell)
-Besides crops, many of the upgrades are *WAY* overpriced, too costly to even be an option (DEFAULT mode) in 1st 21 days. The whole "silk before wood" thing you mentioned is b/c the *WOOD* upgrade is *WAY* too costly! (you could build a HOUSE for that much!)
-Mining Obsidian-- *GOOD* idea---hard to get/buy prev versions-- (not sure should B @ home) *BUT*,
shouldn't take Obsidian to mine it! *AND* 500 stone is beyond ridiculous! (BTW mines need WOOD & metal, not stone)
-Cloth (cotton?) shouldn't require STONE to plant a field. (maybe wood/iron 4 tools, + cotton [seeds])
-Realistically (since that was brought up) Crops/fields should be close to home, but *NOBODY* [I live in a farming area & father worked with them) has a *MINE* close to home! Mines should be a distance away. (maybe *buy* a mine?) [If silk is "farmed" then it would go with crops]
Fishing @ Mansion: says has 2 slots, but 1 is *ALWAYS* used, (so effectively only 1 slot even with upgrade)
Vegies by comparison (also has 2 slots) works properly, & both slots can be used. (maybe something to do w having fishing before?)
"Builder Tools" whole thing is *RIDICULOUSLY* Expensive (now past D35 on new version, & *NEVER* upgraded that, *SO* not worth it!)
Seems much more realistic to me:
1) BUY mines. (Gold) Then maybe *BUILD* mine (ie, wood/iron) [Mine could be sold in Town] {NOT located @ Mansion, but somewhere close by}
2) Planting trees shouldn't require more than small # wood ("trees") + maybe 5 iron for hand tools. [the "slots" limits # of wood you can get per time]
Since other place only have 1 (or at most, 2) slots, makes sense to have MAX 2 slot "woodcutting" @ Mansion -- [not likely to have a huge forest by your house if you have crops/fields also] So, 1, or 2 "woodcutting" upgrades. (unless forests are "sold" like mines)
The whole "condensing" thing mentioned is a good idea, *PROVIDED* it's logical. (buying makes a lot more sense to me----after all, I'll buy the [CHEAPER] IRON mine long before buying the [more COSTLY] Mythril mine
Life is full of choices----they only become bad when they're confusing/illogical.
Maybe this is the wrong place to say it (mentioned different post) but Need to have an Upgrade for 2nd DATE (like you have for bedroom) .
Does *NOT* make sense: [Mansion Upgrades]
-Hunting; [option to raise chickens? ;-) ] Mines; [maybe sold in town?]
-If you're simplifying/condensing: Woodcutting (1st) *THEN* Magic/Iron wood. [if you *BUY* mines & forests, this isn't an issue]
Oh, final note on "being hard" (I did a separate post on difficulty of Default mode): IMHO, has nothing to do w choices: (but current NEW Man upgrade sys is confusing & doesn't make sense! ----so doesn't help---- & is mostly COST PROHIBITIVE of being used [w/o cheating] 1st 21 days anyway )
Most places where I've found game toughest, is where had "BAD LUCK" (hence I *STRONGLY* PLEASE GOD NO DON"T LET HIM DO IT! ) Caution against adding in too much "luck" random chance/etc. ***QUESTS*** #1 Place had bad luck. (Esp 1st 21 days!) Items needed that you can't find to buy (& can't build/make at that point) ***DUNGEON CLEAR*** Quests when you only have 1-2 fighters & 1 or no weapons. ***LOW POINT QUESTS*** 500/3= ~167 Pts. PER QUEST PER GUILD! Sometimes I don't miss *ANY* quests----but they pay so little that can't stop GREEDY BANK [500 pts EACH] by D 28.
Suggestions to make easier: (sorry if off-topic, but difficulty was brought up)
1) INCREASE Initial amounts. (gold/slaves) (OR make this an OPTION [Amt starting gold; 1-2 slaves] ) [750-1000 gold?]
2) RE-BALANCE QUESTS so that every Quest pays at least 167 Pts, and *NO* Quest pays less than 100 gold. [many quests cost a LOT more than they make]
3) Somebody put a *GUN* to that *BLOODY BANK* & make them behave! [100k to be repaid in 100 days, is *INSANE* even by modern standards! This is supposed to be an older time (no gunpowder even) so things should be a *LOT LOT LOT CHEAPER!!! ] -->>> A *LOT* of the difficulty comes in the *INSANE* time pressure----right while you're still learning everything ["Alpha" stage game, NOBODY's an expert] There's very little or *NO* tolerance for MISTAKES. [wrong tool; someone resting instead of working, etc]
4) Initial starting TOOLS. (this would make more sense anyway; Imagine cutting wood----w/o an AXE!)
5) Another idea quests: Option to *CANCEL* [only 1 Quest PER GUILD PER TIME PERIOD is offered, so if we get bad one we can't do, Need option to CANCEL---get another one. [I'm assuming S4P thinks 2 Quests/Guild is too easy?] OR, offer 2 (TWO) Quests PER GUILD.
The "DEFAULT" Mode is *supposed* to be an intro, should be *EASIER* than most of the game, *NOT* harder.