Hi ! So here's the update I'll put on nexus tomorrow. It has : Kevin Rudd's missions have their own campaign now with smaller pictures and a background, the Traditions of the Trade mission + a very simple outfits pack that unlocks a few suits like Stone and Knight and a few others + a weapon pack (for unused items/weapons only, nothing you can unlock ingame) + bug fixes for Marrakesh ET All stars missions. I added french translations by Pouncha too ! And great news, Unfunnygobber said he was cool with inlcuding officially ET in the Offline Megapack so it's here too with the last ET in Dartmoor ! Cheers !
And I translated some things for the Random Target mode in french too.
Complete update : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CDOIDFZxhKAzwcJeIo64pdruuGDc04ef/view?usp=shari...