If you can post a video somewhere I'd be interested. I have witnessed tearing on "junior" act on slow CPUs (emulation) but the game played fine.
Thank-you so much for adding the on-controller cut scene skip function. Greatly appreciated.
I was able to get it to freak out under emulation. However, on a real Amiga 500 I couldn't get it to show any signs of graphics corruption. So it looks like it's more stable now. Here's a new video: https://youtu.be/q09tMesoNK4
Okay, I think I might have something useful for you. Here's the emulator settings I was using:
Emulator: WinUAX
CPU: 68000
CPU Speed: Real
CPU Compatible: No
Cycle Exact: No
Video Chipset: Agnus
Video Mode: PAL 50Hz
Chipmem Size: 512k
Fastmem Size: 0k
Slowmem Size: 512k
Fast Copper: Yes
Immediate Blits: No
Collision Level: Sprites and Playfield
When [CPU Compatible] is switched on, it seems to run perfectly. No graphics glitches at all. Toggling the other settings didn't seem to make a difference; only the CPU Compatible switch seemed to help.