Great visuals!
I'm a pretty big fan of roguelikes like this (plenty of hours on Binding of Isaac/Gungeon) but I have to agree with others, the difficulty was pretty unforgiving (rooms too small, no cover, too many enemies that had too much health) unless you had the vamp, in which case it was pretty easy.
While it was nice to be able to see that enemies were readying projectiles, I think you need a sound effect or visual cue (maybe make them flash) before they shoot. In a game where health is a precious resource, telegraphing attacks to the player helps make it feel less unfair when you get hit.
Saw below that you had plans to make shops/balance the game, which I think would be great (I also felt the time crunch, so I know it was prob rough to cut a lot of features that you thought up). The movement and shooting felt pretty good itself. Would also be nice to know what the different cards were doing mechanics-wise.
All in all, awesome work! I only left a lot of critique because I thought it was great overall and hope you'll refine it and make it even better.