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A member registered Jun 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Chill puzzle game. Reminds me of similar puzzles involving the same mechanic in Mario Odyssey. Enjoyed the chill soundtrack. 

Maybe more complex mechanics could be introduced to add another layer to the puzzles, something like blocks that push you without rotating you when you land on them, or blocks that rotate you a new direction every time you land on them? Just some ideas for how to expand what you already have :) I enjoyed what you had, and thought understanding the puzzles and objectives was very intuitive.

Awesome game, nice art and creative ability to both roll dice or use them as projectile. Challenging difficulty too. Overall, great job!

Ah I see, I will have to look into how the camera system works more. Thanks for the note!

Enjoyed this game! The ability to determine the effect of your rolls reminded me a lot of a board game I like called Dice City. I also liked that you could re-organize your skills after a certain number of turns, which let me do things like build up my armor and then focus on doing damage after I got to change. Would love to see more interesting skills, or perhaps randomized skill pools when choosing, to create variety.

Great job! 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'm assuming you played on mobile device, and moved the camera by touching the screen with 2 fingers at once? I didn't implement that on purpose but a friend pointed that out to me and I guess its a built in feature to unity? lol

That is to say, I thought the game would be entirely fixed perspective (no camera movement), but it is not haha.

82 is pretty fast, I think that's faster than I've ever gotten haha (though I never really worked on getting a super fast run, was too busy working on the game lol)

Thanks for the feedback, and for playing! If made into a full game I'd probably work on making help pages that explain the abilities in a more visual way (rather than my crazy long description I have for the game). I honestly appreciate you reading through and learning the abilities!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Also nice username haha.

Fast paced was what I was going for, I left a really in-depth comment below on another person's feedback on real-time vs turn based and why I decided to have the speed/system the way that I did. In that comment I talked about how if I made this a full game (with more complex mechanics), I'd probably implement a "tactical mode" mode toggle that would slow down or completely pause the action to help you reconfigure your setup when needed (but also halt the progress of dice generation). Glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thanks Levi for the feedback, and for playing! Below is what I wrote in the description. I'll check out your game when I get the chance, but sadly do not have access to my computer this week, so unless it works on my phone, I probably can't rate or give feedback during the game jam.

Cut Features

I had hoped to implement the following, but didn't have time due to the time constraints. They may be added at a future date.

- Enemy attacks back

- Visible enemy life bar

- Bonus damage totalled separately to regular damage

- Multiple enemies

- Money system on enemy slain

- Progression system where you start with one character and easy enemies, gain gold and can purchase more abilities, characters, and upgrade your dice portals

- Better crit animations when big damage happens

- healer character

- different special abilities that leverage other mathematical dice patterns for bonus

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, and appreciate the feedback!

I'm also someone who likes to really to solve out a system and optimize, so I can see where you're coming from with your feedback on the real time vs. having time to think comment. I have had a lot of fun spending several minutes on a single turn in Slay the Spire for example.

When deciding whether to make my game real time or entirely turn based, I thought back to how I previously enjoyed playing chess with no timer because I always wanted to deeply think out my move, but now I enjoy playing it more with a timer, because sometimes infinite decision time leads to stagnation in play because the user wants to spend excessive time on their turn to achieve an optimal result. I enjoyed the timer more because it felt more low stakes, and therefore I could play more games, and not feel horrible when I lose a game that I spent several hours trying to game tree the moves my opponent would make.

However, I think the decision of "game speed" (or no movement in a game without player action) comes down to where you want your game to fall on the spectrum between completely strategic vs action. And I think having a good strategic game is incredibly dependent on having mechanics that are complex enough that they are fun to solve. When thinking of the mechanics of my game, I knew I wouldn't be able to design complex interaction systems in the 48 hour period of the jam, so I decided to make it real time. In addition to this, I thought that the real time element would make it so that more simple classes (warrior and ranger) could be spammed as you rerolled dice in hopes of getting the big damage on your wizard. If it was completely turned based, the warrior and ranger would be pretty boring I think.

One way of solving this would be to add a "tactical mode" that would greatly slow down (or completely halt) the game speed, much like FF7 Remake. I may do that if I make a more fleshed out game, esp if mechanics become more complicated.

Sorry for the wall of text, I really enjoyed your comment and enjoy thinking about the philosophy behind design decisions for a game, so thought I would share my thoughts.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Yeah, the wizard doing 1 dmg without a die is a bug lol, fixed in the v2 that I'll push out once the jam is over. We'll see if I flesh this game out or just start working on a new one after this, but if I do, it will definitely have more traditional RPG elements and progression!

Will definitely check back :) One things I also liked that I forgot to mention in my comment yesterday is that I think it's cool that you have two decks that you can shoot from with the different mouse buttons. It would be interesting to see how the deck building portion could be strategic, as I'm a big fan of deck builders/roguelikes and the synergies you could get (maybe if I get an ice shard and then a fireball, bonus melt damage somehow? Or somehow the card played before might affect the damage/projectile count of the next card?)

My last piece of feedback (more like feature requests at this point haha) is that if you do a full release of the game and it's a PC game (vs just being a browser game), I'd love controller support so I could play it as a twin stick shooter. You could make the right stick aim and then the different shoulder buttons shoot from the different decks.

Good luck on the update, rooting for you!

Great visuals! 

I'm a pretty big fan of roguelikes like this (plenty of hours on Binding of Isaac/Gungeon) but I have to agree with others, the difficulty was pretty unforgiving (rooms too small, no cover, too many enemies that had too much health) unless you had the vamp, in which case it was pretty easy.

While it was nice to be able to see that enemies were readying projectiles, I think you need a sound effect or visual cue (maybe make them flash) before they shoot. In a game where health is a precious resource, telegraphing attacks to the player helps make it feel less unfair when you get hit.

Saw below that you had plans to make shops/balance the game, which I think would be great (I also felt the time crunch, so I know it was prob rough to cut a lot of features that you thought up). The movement and shooting felt pretty good itself. Would also be nice to know what the different cards were doing mechanics-wise.

All in all, awesome work! I only left a lot of critique because I thought it was great overall and hope you'll refine it and make it even better.

Always cool to see board games reimplemented as video games, +1 for remaking a classic. Good job :)

(2 edits)

Fun game, it was satisfying to shoot the enemies, and nice that the tiles would jitter before falling away.  Thought the art and graphics were cute and fun too.

I think if you are standing too close to a wall, and you try to shoot the opposite direction, there is a glitch that causes it not to work? Probably some collision issue. Would be nice if tiles spawned back in before all of them are gone, because as you get to only 0's left, its pretty hard to stay alive and dodge the bullet. Or maybe make the enemy bullets slower or make it so your bullets and theirs cancel out?  Often you just get stranded in an island and have to take shots to the face unless you can shoot everyone before they shoot you (I wanted to survive longer so I could keep playing, maybe I just need to git gud)

Good job! :)

Nice game! Thought the art and animation was nice, and mechanics were solid. My feedback would be that it would be nice to have some bigger indicator of where your character is located on the zoomed out map, and it might be more aesthetically satisfying if a die was rolled instead of the borders just changing for the dice stuff, even though functionally its the same thing. I had a lot of fun though, and thought it was very polished.

Cool concept, I liked the dice being a resource and using them for different contexts (money, searching, battle). Reminded me of DnD. I beat the golem guy, and then my screen was just a blank sky, not sure if I missed something and there was more, or if that was the end of the game, but wished I could've kept playing. Either way, good job.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! I would've like to add more skills but just didn't have enough time. Maybe I'll update it one day.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! Yeah, since this was my first game, haven't ever made UI/Title scenes in unity before. I definitely would've liked to include more info, and more abilities too!

Also I checked out your game and the animation and gameplay was awesome!

Thanks for playing, appreciate the feedback! I agree, would've been a good idea to include help, maybe a little help question mark next to each board where if you mouse over, you'd get a tooltip.

Also fair point, I had the health set to 1000 at one point during testing, but that felt too short. Wished I had gone with 1500 or 2000, but at that point I just wanted to submit and go to bed haha.

Chill game, made it to the end. Seems like there were more things you wanted to do with it (not sure exactly what the chip color meant), so I bet there would be a lot more interesting stuff if you finished it up. I liked the graphics and animation.

Cool art and animation, also dug the soundtrack. Could've used a bit more explanation of how the elements and game mechanics worked in general. Would've been cool to accumulate more armor as time went on.