wow what a review! First of all thanks for playing!
I must agree that balancing is pretty poor at the moment. The game definitely deserves better enemy ai. I will definitely work on that once the voting ends.
about the map, the idea was to allow path selection (it's actually implemented in the game, but I ran into a bug and had to quit unexpectedly at the same time, so returned it to playable form)
about the stats the max value is there because i wanted to add more dice types and some would use this feature. (I don't want to spoil it here because I'll add them after the voting is over ;p )
the green die is actually stronger than the red one because it ignores your armor and only deals full damage to your health
and lastly your starting dice are just myself randomly choosen(i guess badly :D) but in the future I plan to have different starting decks based on character selection
I'm glad the web version is working!
thanks again for playing and for the constructive review
and I hope you enjoy the post-jam version even more ;)