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A neat little puzzle game!

The dice feels great to control, the smooth camera movement is really satisfying! The puzzle mechanics are easy to understand and the levels use them well! Them levels are well thought and make good use of the spring and air balloon.

The game looks very nice, while keeping a simple aesthetic to make the puzzles clearer. Also  the level transition fx is great!

Very good game, well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you - I'm glad you liked it :D

If you're interested - the transitions are pretty simple to implement.

1) Each level is made up of tiles (I just used default cube with 0.25 on y scale)

2) Sort each tile into a List based off of the distance away from player (closest first -> furthest last)

3) When level is initialized - animate each tile with a delay based off of their index in the list

* Animate the scale of each tile to grow to default size 

* Simultaneously Animate position to go slightly above resting position then animate it back down into it's resting position

Thanks for the tip, that's a clever way of doing it! :)