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Cool game, reminded me a lot of the penguin game I used to play on my IPod lol.

The mechanics took me a few tries to properly use, and get the timing right on when to let go, but once I got the hang of it, it became much easier.

One aspect that I found jarring was the camera movement, sometimes it would zoom out and in and move around and it became a little distracting, and it was unclear what was causing this.

I also felt like some of the slopes were just too steep or not steep enough, meaning it was really hard to properly build up momentum. This combined with the strange hitbox, at least unclear hitbox, made keeping a high speed quite difficult, and usually unsatisfying.

Overall though I enjoyed it, and my high score is 745 :)


To be honest I think all of your points are fair. I experimented with camera movement a lot, and I agree that EVEN IN MY EXPERIENCE the camera was really jarring at the start, and I couldn't fix it in the time allotted. Later on it was easier because it would zoom out whenever the distance was <100m ... but something bugged that display out too, and now it's incredibly hard to see that display on big screens.

(In my personal opinion) I didn't really find the slopes annoying, but I didn't play test it that much with that variation of RNG so who knows!

I agree the hitbox of the turtle makes it feel incredibly unpolished - during programming, it was a ball up until the last 15 minutes, and it felt fine! 

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it :)