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A cool idea and mechanically it functioned perfectly. I also enjoyed the overall aesthetic and the models, it felt unique.

One issue I found though is with the length of the ship, I felt as though it was a little too long where I would often clip the back of it on an obstacle when moving up or down, which was frustrating. This may just be something I would have to get used to.

Another thing I would improve would be the death sequence, it felt a little odd as the camera and ship would keep moving, and sometimes it felt unclear I had died even with the particles. In my opinion, I think it would make much more sense if the ship was destroyed and deleted and the camera stopped moving, this would make it much clearer that you failed.

Overall though I enjoyed it and wished it could be longer :)

P.S: You can just put your mouse at the very top of the screen and skip the whole game, even going above the cave. You do end up dying at the end though.


Personally i thought the length of the ship was fine but that might be because I played a lot while testing, so i'll keep that in mind.

I also agree with you about the death sequence however I wasn't sure how to stop that because the player and camera are static but the level itself moves, this was because i was having camera issues with the player moving.

I forgot to add a death-box on the ceiling if players go to high.. Welp I'm noting that down for next time thank you.

Thank you so much for the feedback, we really appreciate it.