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(3 edits) (+1)(-11)

Hey, just wondering when you're planning to release chaos mode woooo, and I have a question. Could you at some point in the future make a setting that allows you to turn off LGBTQ + on your cats, I'm as you call strait and I'd like an option to turn off gay interactions and clan members changing their gender.  Just a suggestion, thanks for reading this any way. Also, super exited for CRUEL SEASON Woooooo :]


is that homophobic or smth?


No this is just being godly.

Deleted 1 year ago

being straight doesn't mean you get to be queerphobic honey gay cats exist irl deal with it


i understand turning off trans cats, but i dont understand wanting to turn off gay cats


yeahh id still be iffy w turning off trans cats but like. the cats from this franchise are basically humans put in the body and environment of a stray cat its basically asking to turn off a natural part of life yk lol


im a trans cat irl /j (abt the cat part) and i honestly would like to at least be in control of which cats are trans. i don't like when the story in my head has to be drastically changed :(


You do have that control! You can always un-trans or get real specific with their gender via the Personal Tab in their profile


oh fr? i can finally untrans my feral cats gender! god truly does love this world he has created /j


being trans doesnt mean the story has to be drastically changed! i think its nice when someone just has a character who is casually trans and its not important otherwise


I think you have your biology mixed up, honey.

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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO bro it takes a quick google search to learn that male cats have been known to mate/attempt to mate with each other, as is the same for female cats. over 450 species of animals worldwide have been documented displaying homosexual activity. have you never read an article on gay penguin couples LMAO

edit addition: 450+ species of animals that have shown homosexual behavior and only one is capable of homophobia


Have you ever heard the term "Don't believe everything on the internet?

Also, that's called sin, which means ITS BAD. I honestly hope you guys see the truth and no longer take the disgusting LGBTQ+ world seriously.


???? ITS *EXTREMELY* WELL-DOCUMENTED LMFAO. its not just some random internet bs its literally something that has been recorded for DECADES by PROFESSIONAL RESEARCHERS. also do you know about the blind bisexual goose? or the genderfluid lioness? no? then dont talk

also i cant control the fact that im queer so guess ill be a sinner! god loves all his children though doesnt he? why would he want them to be tortured for eternity if he loves all of us? hell is never mentioned in the bible btw, and many things in that book are mistranslations. not to mention the misogyny and racism liiike... you really wanna follow that thing word-for-word?

cultural genders have also been recorded to exist as far back as ancient egypt, and in most cultures being queer was fully accepted. its only bcs of white colonization and christian takeover that it started being deemed gross. i have catholic friends who are queer and would HATE you by the way. ive even met a non-binary priest!

being queer is WIRED INTO YOUR BRAIN. it cannot be controlled. i couldnt be a cis girl if i wanted to because im NOT ONE. why do you hate queer people so much? did we kill your family?? like damnnn


Yes, he loves you, but that doesn't mean you'll go to heaven, you regected his gift and even though you'll still live forever, it won't be in heaven unless you repent and egnoledge that you will never be enough. BUT DON'T WORRY. I'm a christian and I STILL SIN. We are ALL sinners. But that's why Jesus died for us so that when we believe in him as our savior. No body will EVER be perfect, that is why he sent his son. Also, no I don't hate you, I hate the sin that you endolge your self in. And yes, it has been recorded that long ago but that doesn't mean its good. And if you think its so good, than answer this, what is a woman? And what is the purpose of life? Because if you can't answer the last one, then what will you do? Also, the bible is history, that doesn't mean everything in it is good. Evan though it is the word of God. Like, did you know people get rapped in the bible, that's because it's history. It doesn't mean you should go rape some one! God uses sinful people, And when they repented, they didn't just go and keep sinning because they new they would be saved, they tried to stop and follow Christ. I'm not perfect no one is. And ni, being queer isn't wired into our brains, sin is. I hope that god can help you see the truth. I want to help you Dkroxanne.


Firstly, I want to clarify my original request. I wanted the option to turn off the settings that automatically changed my cat's genders in the middle of game play. Although I do believe that homosexuality and gender dysphoria are wrong, I had no intention of attacking anyone, I just wanted to change my own personal settings.

To answer all your comments about my faith, here is the gospel I believe: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 "'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'" Matthew 7:13-14

I believe that all have sinned, both you and me, and that all of us need Jesus. I will be praying for you and your friends who are dealing with gender dysphoria and confusing emotions and attractions. But most of all, I pray that Christ would give you ultimate freedom from all sin which is found in Him.


“i want to help you” WEEWOO WEEWOO ABUSER BULLSHIT ABUSER BULLSHIT youre not dragging me into that shit. ive been abused enough fucking times to see red flags like this and i am DONE with you. you are one of the people who creates survivors of religious trauma.

i have nothing against christianity and catholicism and so on. i love my religious friends. what i DO have something against is someone like you weaponizing the scripture. you ARE hurting people. ive seen the stories of people who had this shit drilled into their heads so much that they cant accept any part of themself anymore. i KNOW people like that. i know people who can no longer enter churches without being thrown into a panic. all because of people like you who are so obsessed with that damn book that you cant see that youre part of the reason that almost half the queer population has been slaughtered or have killed themselves.

god will love his children AS THEY ARE.

i have a trans religious friend who i once sat with while they spoke reminders to themself and prayed.

“God loves me as i am and seeks not to shun me because He sees my happiness in this state, and knows that i would be in misery otherwise. my identity is not a sin, as it is inseparable from my being. God does not want me to suffer, and knows that i know myself as well as He. He is happy because i am happy, and that happiness has done no harm other than the harm that others choose to fabricate into existence for their own benefit.”

also its scientifically proven that queer people have different brain structures than non-queer people, so yes its wired into your brain

theres nothing wrong with being queer. queerness is beautiful, and i think its a gift from god in itself because the art and the presentations and everything that has come of accepting your queer identity is beautiful. when you have seen the queer world through eyes of acceptance, you see the beauty we have made. and you see the people who want to make that beauty a dull gray foul mess.

my queerness is beautiful, and i will always see it as nothing less.


Hello! I'm one of the devs.  We won't be adding a setting for LGBTQ cats.  We've already discussed it in depth.  Many of the people on our team are queer and aren't interested in creating a "toggle" to turn off those parts of the game.  If you really want to avoid having it in game, I would suggest looking into modding the game to your specifications.  


Welp, you have  just lost 3 players than,  I hope you see the errors of you ways


And I will look into modding


NOBODY CARES LOL im pretty sure everyone is glad you arent playing. its 2023 get your head out of your ass and accept that queer people AND animals exist and do NOT need your permission to, and that we need to NORMALIZE their existence. "the error of your ways" what? the error that a queer mod team is uncomfortable creating a setting that erases their existence? or are you dancing around queer slurs rn. im a transmasc person who has multiple partners do i scare you are you going to call me the silly little f slur

(sorry to mods ONLY for being so aggressive but the queerphobia is ridiculous LMFAO)


Hehehe, this is so dumb, all I was asking is a way for all people to enjoy this game and now everybody is just trying to roast me! I was being calm and respective, just saying the truth, and you are all out saying AAAH ur so STUPID AND MEEEHG MEH BLA BLA BLA. Also normalizing that crap is the wrong thing  every body needs. HAVE YOU SEEN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW? Also, no, it's not slur, it was a simple question which you took as an insult and a attack.


you can enjoy the game with gay cats just fine my friend. also yeah i see the world rn—i see minorities like us queer people being killed in the streets for existing. i see minorities being framed for crimes they didnt fucking commit. i see minorities being fucking brutalized for no reason. and i see people like you caring more about a centuries old book than the mental health and wellbeing of other people.

also i never said you called me a slur, i said youre dancing around it lmao. i take it as a fucking insult because IM queer and you think my existence interferes with yours, and that you have a right to tell other queer people what to do with the content THEY produce.

when i see queer people accepted and normalized, i see happiness and the world progressing to a better place. when i see them being shunned and attacked, i see them being fucking murdered.

we do NOTHING to harm you by fucking existing. me kissing my boyfriends and calling myself a guy is not going to hurt you or anyone else. im 16 years old and somehow im more mature than your queerphobic ass. i do not owe you kindness, i do not owe you a civil discussion, i do not owe you ANYTHING because you want me dead for accepting myself as i am.

white non-queer abled neurotypical christians are not being killed en masse for their identities or how they look or their societal struggles. stop acting like the scary queers are oppressing you when youve been killing them for years, i just wanna be gay with my partners lol

god would be disappointed in you for condemning his children for who they are. if you’re really religious, you’d follow his word and love everyone. i’m not even religious and i could be a better christian than you.


You aren't hurting me, you're hurting your self. Ando no I didn't command them to change their game, I asked if they could add a feature so more people could enjoy the game. If any one is attack any one, look who is saying what and who's being the violent one here.


I'll be praying for you, either you like it or not. I don't want you to reilize your disitions before it's to late. P.S. I can't believe me asking for one simple feature has caused so much hate on me :\


Also, cool. Were the same age. Also, I don't want you dead. I want to see you healed and I don't want to see another person fall away. into sin as so many other people have. I hope that maybe, some how God has lead me to you so I have lead you to him. Sure I don't know you personally, but God does and he wants you to know and love him to :] 

I know I'm a sinner, I sin every hour of every day, but the differance between you and me, is that I asked for forgiveness. He will ALWAYS forgive you if you ask. But all of us will keep sinning and the best we can do is try our best to stop sinning. My biggest sin is lying. I just hurt my  relationship with my mom when I lied to her, but I asked for forgiveness and we prayed, and now God has helped heal our trust again. I hope God heals Satan's hold on you. I do not hate you, I hate the sin that the devil twists apon you. I'll be praying. I hope you take a minute to think about this. Thanks for reading!


are you telling me to break up with my partners and detransition because dude. im HAPPY HOW I AM. youre genuinely gross. and its not us “hurting ourselves,” its people going out of their way to ASSAULT, ABUSE, AND MURDER PEOPLE FOR BEING QUEER. youre such a victim-blaming asshole. i know people who have been sa’d because theyre queer. but let me guess, thats their owm fault for sinning, right?

stop forcing your religion on other people. look at history; millions have died because of religious colonization. plus isnt it said in the bible that you cant and shouldnt FORCE conversion of religion? im a nonspecific theist; i believe in all gods but do not subscribe to a specific religion or pantheon.

btw do some reading:

anyways shut up and let people be happy. im happy. i will not be happy as a girl because i never was. i will not be happy without my partners because they are my world. you are full of shit, honestly.


That's fine with us :) We've got plenty of people who love the game the way it is, including us! And at the end of the day, creating a game we love is more important than pleasing you and your homophobia.


clangen moderator scribblecrumb you are so cool and swag /gen /pos

i hope your pillows are the exact temperature you prefer tonight :)


Here, I'm just writing to thanks you and all the devs for your hard work and because I'm amazed by how well you handled this person. I would have probably gave up, I can't handle homophobic peoples.  - a french girl fan of your game

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Ma'am/sir/my guy, this is a game about fictional cats in a forest. Not Super Jesus Christ RPG. We don't care about whatever tf is sinful to you. Also, this isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


May be a little late now, but you can always get a mediator and slowly lessen cats relationships by sabotaging them with "impact romantic relationships" turned on, keep going until neither has a romantic interest, turn "impact romantic relationships" off again and mediate the relationship back to normal. It works most effectively if you check cat's romantic relationships every few moons.