hi i am also experiencing this:
DX Diag reports:
I went and tried to run it from command line several times :
^ (crash, no GUI error, both as user and admin. this one happened most often)
^ (crash, no gui error. blank error message before exiting. sometimes it would just print nothing, not even an error message.)
https://ibb.co/GMbFPgq ^ (crash, memory error)
many times it will just crash without printing anything
dunno if all these errors are related but they do all happen at the same time -- after the game has the starting graphical login message, it goes black for about 10 seconds and crashes.
tested on both my C drive which is two SDD's in raid 0, and on my D drive which is one 3 and a half TB HDD. I have two monitors, differing resolutions. if it helps I literally reinstalled windows 10 yesterday, so it's pretty clean. just have nvidia drivers, steam, discord, some internet browsers, and this. I also went and installed the vulkan sdk and runtime as well as visual c++ redists just cause.
good luck chucklefuck