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(15 edits) (+2)(-1)

Guide Continued

Pyramid dungeon:

In area M3 there is a fancy chest with the pyramid jail key inside, requires 1 soul to open.

Idolized idol: a human lady and her brother want to find a neko fertility idol located in the pyramid, find it back center of P5- and bring it to them for 1000 G

Hieroglyphics: located in room p3: gold chest behind level 4 soul doors (need 4 souls to open)

Neko belly stud: found top center of P4, next to snake lady's cell.

Royal Neko Polearm recipe: located in top right corner of P3, needs 4 souls to access, watch the cracks on the ground.

Royal Neko Belly Stud recipe: located in P3 bathing room top left, requires 3 souls to access.

Royal Neko Armor recipe: in the middle room of P3 place the 4 Hieroglyphics on the golden panels and a chest will appear to the left.

lone spirit: located in P4 on a path blocked by a strong current, need a minimum of 3 souls to reach.

My herosssss: back center of P4 is a snake woman trapped in a cell, use the jail key to free her Reward: attack: Belly Dance (note red chest locked in there with her contains Dancers Dress recipe)

a minitour at the bottom left area is asleep, give him a milk to wake him for a conversation, if you saved the snake woman talk to him again and he'll say he's gonna leave the temple and gives you Jeweled Sword and it's recipe, you can find him again at the cowgirl farm.

Royal City (slums):

Total unique items 3: 

lone spirit: in the top right side of the area there's a shop, on the table to the bottom middle is a key and to the top left is a gated off area where the lone spirit chest is located. (Note: despite the interaction you have with Sanura when getting the key, after opening the door talking to the shopkeeper again will have him thank you.)

lone spirit: bottom middle of deep sewers

pie medallion: in Lady Luck's Casino to the top left there is an NPC next to a table with a pie on it, talk with them to enter a pie eating contest and win to get the medallion. 

Total special interaction 7: 

in a house to the bottom right in a house is a neko husband and wife, the chest contains cat nip and is a bad moral move.

break-dancer to the middle left of the area outside of Lady Luck's Casino, you can interact with her an leave a seed with her to make her progressively bigger, total seeds needed 6 (Note: she only progresses when you leave the city) reward: dancers boon.

cult member: located in the slum sewers to the left of the succubus's shop. (Note: this cult member will not show up until you have interacted with at least 3 other members further more there image cannot be viewed in the NPC gallery within the teleport room)

crime boss hide out: located to the top left of the slum sewers, to gain entrance you need to either buy the password from a rich looking genie man for 2,000G or randomly get the password from a clown man at the bottom middle of the area.

ninja in hideout: located top left of the hideout, talking to him will have him ask if you want a cookie, say no to get the cookie.

magic man shop in hideout: located top middle of the hideout, talking to him will give a shop, currently the only location where items such as soul shards and smile can be bought.

(Note: the bosses bodyguard cannot be talked to after completing roses quest.)

in the pub located to the bottom right there is a witch, after the pregnancy wave speak with her and ask if she is a witch followed by you want to become a witch, she will then give you Sabrina's recommendation (Note: this cannot actually get you into the witches college at this current time.)

Total side quest 3: 

let's cause some chaos: top left of the slum sewers is the crime boss rose who will ask you to prove what a divine seed does, after doing so she will ask for 50 more for a plan of hers, deliver to cause all female NPC's that you do not directly make pregnant pregnant (Note: do not start this quest until after you defeated toreth and talked to the queen at least once before or else it can cause sequencing issues) reward: crime coin.

A slimy friend: middle right of the deep sewers is a slime girl, approaching her will have her run scared but obtaining blue lilies flowers from the cowgirl farm will let you engage her in conversation before recruiting her.

winner winner buns for dinner: (Note: to start this quest you must be a VIP in Lady Luck's Casino which requires you win a minimum of 5,000 G furthermore this does not become available until after you defeated toreth.) after playing a game at the high roller table to the top middle of the casino you can find sapphire the rabbit girl at the front who you can talk to to get a gold token, go back to the high roller table and bet the token, it is programed to always go lose win win in your favor, after beating lady luck head back to sapphire and calm your prize: her.

Royal city (main street):

waygate is located in the main portion of the royal city and will be listed later on however you will most likely have seen it when you initially enter the city for the first time.

Total unique items 2:

ice cream popsicle: can only be bought in the item shop right of the entrance.

elf book: located in the item shop in a chest, can be traded to the  orphaned elf kid for an elf dictionary which translates elf language.

Total special interaction 5:

top right of the street is a building with a guy at the back asking for a password, tell him "Spicy Town" to get a fast track path to the swears next to the crime boss room.

Bunny Time: talk with the bunny lady behind the bar and pay 100G to see the bunny dance

Valorie's friend lives in the house in the bottom left corner visit her for a unique interaction.

the house to the immediate left of the city entrance is home to a sweet old lady, her life savings are in that chest in her home so don't you dare touch it you monster.

middle right of town all the way to the right is a house with a big family in it, give the boy by the cake a slice of cake and he'll give you a toy.

Expanding knowledge: requires that the pregnancy wave has occurred through the crime boss and that you have 50 power or less, go to the school and talk with the teacher.

bakers joy: (Note: if where are the pickles? is active this interaction cannot be started until after that quest is completed) enter the bakery to receve free food, can be done up to 6 times but requires you to leave the city to get to the next stage.

Total side quest 5:

Cool enough for school: after going to the cool kids hideout in the bottom right of the area head to the school in the middle left area to talk to the teacher, she'll ask you to get 9 ice cream popsicles, after this you can go back to the hideout to get the cool kids bandana and after you leave for a while you can return to the school for the event: 

Pig out: in the pub at the middle of the city a woman at the bottom left will ask for 5 pork, give it to her for a magnetized ring.

Fairy family plan: next to Valorie's friends house is a fairy in a worn down house, give them 2,000G to help them fix it up and 4 seeds to make them pregnant, there is no reward for tis but you do gain divine favor.

A fine investment: to the bottom right of town next to the cool kids hide out is a rundown winery, pay 5,000G to help fix it up.

Dream come true: middle right of town next to the bakery is the home of the two girls you can save from toreths dungeon, talk with the black haired girl and she'll ask for 2 divine seeds, give them to her and then leave and return twice, on the second visit receive the lovers emblem from her.

Royal city (nobel quarter):

Total unique items 3:

lone spirit: found to the left of the wizards guild, top middle of area.

ring of defense: found bottom right of the area second house of the bottom row

red rose: found middle bottom of the area next to the river bed (Note: does not appear until the slime girl asks for it)

Total special interaction 1:

training session: go to the community center middle left of the area, in the second room to the right is a green haired instructor who you speak to to start the event (Note: event requires a minimum 100 power on all party members to start and will result in all members giving birth, crystal: labor training becomes available after the event.)

Total side quest 2:

Abandoned...:located in the bottom right area second house of the top row, there is an abandoned demon egg, give it 10 demon blood, 5 fairy dust, and 3 soul shards to hatch it and receive demons promise.

Demonic cravings: talk with the newly hatched succubus and help satiate her cravings, 3 strange meat and bread dishes (gives demon claw toe ring), 5 tentacle masses, 3 slime goo, and a soul shard (gives demon steel tiara), and 30 demon eggs (grants tentacle naval stud and spell demonic pregnancy) after finishing this mission you can visit the succubus and after talking to her twice rub her belly for some power.

Royal city (castle):

Total unique items 2:

Blake's loyal sword: second floor in the first room you can enter, talk with Blake to get this weapon.

divine spring water: second floor outside and to the left.

Total special interaction 1:

speak to the king to receive 5,000G (Note this become unavailable after the side quest "Royal figure")

Total side quest 3:

The dragoness and the cake: in the dungeon, second cell of the second row you can find an imprisoned dragoness, to help her escape head to ceder towns cake house and ask for a birthday cake for Harold then give it to one of the guards and talk again to the dragoness to free her. (note: earlier on in the game when your imprisoned you will have the chance to eat this cake, this is mean and will make the guards sad however ignoring the cake will result in the guards not saying the name of who the cake goes to so keep that in mind.) 

The largest belly in all the lands!: on the third floor to the far bottom left of the area you can talk with the princess, after a conversation you can give her divine seeds, first 1, then 5, then 10, then 25 for a total of 41 seeds. reward: princesses hairpin.

Royal figure: (Note: the pregnancy wave and "The largest belly in all the lands" must be completed before this quest can be started.) return to the princess and she will ask you to speak to her mother, talk to her to be asked to talk to damia, go to the goddesses temple and speak with damia, return to the thrown room and speak with the queen, after the meeting speak to the queen again and she'll ask for a special seed, head to Abby in ceder town (Note: if Abby hasn't seen you pregnant for any reason before now you will not be able to ask for her help, this can be rectified by simply showing up pregnant) then go to the arch angel of damia's temple (top left of the inside of the temple, big pregnant angel to the left) give her some divine spring water to make the special seed and return to the queen to finish the quest. Reward: queens pendent.

Cowgirl farm:

waygate is located strait ahead from initial entrance to the area, need to go through the building to get to it.

(Note: while this is a chapter 3 location it is an optional one but does possess a lot of valuable recourses including a better use of milk thistle and milk fruits. furthermore certain NPCs you meet in various parts can be found here such as the monitor from the pyramid or a honey bee from the bee queen.)

Talking horse?!: in the building to the top left you can find 3 horses, interacting with the bottom most one will have it talk, Leah will be suspicious of the horse in subsequent interactions.

feed the cows: head into the top left building and strait ahead is a hay bag, interact with it then head to the cow pen to the middle right and put the feed in one of the 3 empty bins, repeat until all 3 bins are full then go back into the building you need to initially enter to get to the pen and feed house and talk to the cow girl at the counter to receive your pay.

mountain: located down the top right path of the farm, will be treated as part of the farm but is being specified to make this guide easier.

up the first set of stairs to the left of the area entrance all the way to the left is a lone spirit.

top left up the stairs are blue lilies, which are needed to recruit slime girl from the royal city sewers.

right most area is a cave entrance that leads to the cowgirl dungeon (Note: you cannot save any of the other girls here outside of the 2 at the end.)

to the bottom left of the cowgirl dungeon you can encounter a minitour and a cow demon girl having a conversation, they will notice you and engage if you enter.

To advance the dungeon head to the bottom right and go down the hole, to save the cowgirls interact with the small crystal spots to obtain minor growth crystals then give it to them (they don't have the normal sparkle that these types of things have so I thought I would specify) speak with Cindy the cowgirl in the front building of the farm to get a dairy key as a reward.

on the lower level up the left most path is a spoor maze, after saving Val and Sanu return to this room, behind the red pillar to the back right is a red chest containing lactaid. (Note: this is the only way to obtain lactaid before receiving the recipe)

after defeating Lilith you can talk to the cow demon girl of to the right and she'll go to the farm.

Bottomless milk jar: after beating the dungeon return to Cindy and after an event with the two cowgirls at the end of the dungeon you will receive this item.

Cowgirl Underwear recipe: after getting the dairy key, go to the back of the same building and open the red chest to the left.

Milk Maid Economy: After beating the cowgirl dungeon and talking with Cindy head to the back pastures and you'll see a new NPC, speak with her to start the mission, first milk the cows to the right then go to the building to the left and put the milk you gathered in to the box to you right and Val will leave a seed there, leave and come back and talk to Maisie later to receive the recipe for lactaid, make 3 samples (2 if you got the one from the dungeon) and give them to jess, after this talk to Maisie again to get the recipe for divine lactaid, give this to jess to max her out then milk her to complete the quest. (Note: after receiving the divine lactaid recipe you can give 3 normal lactaid and 1 divine lactaid to rose to max her out, both her and jess can be infinitely milked as long as you don't help them birth for infinite free divine milk, you can also give rose another divine lactaid but this will just result in one divine milk, a quest in neko village does require enhanced, +enhanced, and +ultra enhanced milk so it is best to milk them at least 5 times before you grow them to the next stage.)

once you can get divine milk you can head to the mountain and up the left set of stairs you can find a golden statue, give it 1 divine milk and claim the crystal: milky behind it

Cowgirl in need: available after you returned to the farm, next to the dungeon entrance in the mountain you can find a heavily pregnant cowgirl at the top of a set of stairs, after talking with her go back down to Cindy and ask for a wagon, after that go back and help the cowgirl, after a minigame the quest will complete, talk with daisy again to receive the reward cowbell necklace. (note the first/second lane to your left at the start of the minigame is your best bet to doing it no hit as its a strait path at the start with minimum inputs for both the second and third waves with only some chickens being a possible issue at the end.)

Fertility forest:

waygate only available after beating the dungeon, after the completion cutscene the gate is right behind you.

to the right is 5 bee girls leading to a massive beehive, the queen of this hive is very weak and will task you with gathering honey to restore her strength and feed her kin, you can gather honey by either using futility blessing on the 5 bee girls that respawn outside of the hive or by finding yellow batches of honey across the world, the queen grows after 10, 20, and 30 honey respectively and rewards an item called endless honey jar after 30 honey, 12 honey is also needed for all the workers which will reward Honeycomb scepter and crystal: Honey, total honey needed 49 (Note: there is a 13th worker bee you can give honey to located as the Cowgirl farm but she only appears after giving the queen 30 honey)

Evelyn the elf: to the left of the path you can follow in front of a fertility statue, just talk to her and have a divine seed in your inventory to recruit her.

lone spirit: in the first building outside of the fertility temple ruins go up the stairs and into the next house over.

lone spirit: upon entering the cave that leads into the temple in the bottom right most room you can find the chest.

overgrown staff recipe: on level 2 of the dungeon to the right is an entrance, at the top right of the area the entrance leads to is a red chest that has it.

Overgrown? event: at 400 corrupted seed growth in the same area you find the overgrown staff recipe but to the left this time there is a grey symbol surrounded by grass/moss, stepping on the symbol will have the party leader break through the floor and begin the event.

overgrown idol recipe: level three to the top right area is a red chest with the item recipe.

overgrown undergarments recipe: level six to the middle right in a red chest.

lone spirit: after beating the boss go into the inn, to the top right is the chest

mother to be: to the right of the gates is a dryad in front of a symbol who will ask for 5 harden vines, 3 heart flowers, and a blossom bud, all these items can be found in the temple but you need to go to the boss room where an event will play to get the bud, return to the dryad to complete the mission, reward: blueberry seed?


ride to the island: purple hair guy top of the beach in a hut will offer you a ride to the island you need to go to.

weirdo: in the middle of the area is an orange haired neko man, talking with him will have him hit on you before sanu does something.

innocent woman: near the shore is a pink haired lady, talking with her will let you hear about the preggo pirates. saying you already know of them will have val get exited before swiftly being shot down by leah

cannonball!: bottom of the beach is a orange hair lady standing on a cliff, approaching her will have her do a cannonball.

(5 edits) (+2)


lone spirit: when you retake control of leah before you reach the village to the middle left of the lama territory in front of a stone structure.

Ancient belly piercing recipe: top left of the lama territory in a red chest on the edge of the cliff.

Arena queens spear recipe: in the human territory area to the right of the village entrance underneath the arena pit. (Note: any items that appear her are only available on second visit.)

Witches academy: (Note: this area has a unique time of day system and so each item, interaction, and side quest will be listed based off when it can be first started furthermore at night you can play as val to plant seeds all over the place but there is a 5 seed limit to how many seeds you can do per night, rather than listing out all the locations val can plant seeds I will instead list how many seeds you will need to have place in total to place them all.)

waygate is located at the front gate. (Note: this waygate is available even before visiting the royal city for the first time however it is impossible to enter this area until after the jungle even if you acquire a recommendation earlier from the witch in the royal city slums' bar.)

Total unique items #:


lone spirit: located in the basement of the apprentice hall to the far right.





nightshade: front yard of the school, all the blue flowers.

Total special interaction #:



bonus mirror: in mirror class for puzzle 1 and 2 you can locate a student in front of a purple edged mirror, they will note the oddity of the mirror before it brakes and they become pregnant. starting from the room with val for the first one go middle, right, right, middle, left, middle, right, right, middle, middle to reach the student then the second one go right, middle, left, middle, middle (Note: for the fire above the mirrors it doesn't actually indicate which way the mirror will go, as if you go through the left blue fire mirror in the room with val you go left but then go through the same mirror in the room you get teleported to you go forward one instead so i listed it as mirror position not fire color.)


whip enthusiast: at the back left most room you can find a student standing in front of a whip on the wall, saying to her you like whips will result in her taking you at night after you go to bed, event ends with her a bit rounder. (Note: the val portion of the night time sequence will be skipped if this event plays.)

future trouble: when reading the future in fortune telling class every character will have the most unique/ interesting interaction with the bottom most option.


restored sign: on the first floor foyer to the left are 3 placers talking about previous headmistresses, at night the third placer is restored and you can read it.

cultic meeting: in the basement area of the apprentice wing next to wear you find the lone spirit chest is a hole, look through it to see a meeting cult meeting.

Total side quest #:


you've got a friend in ya: also avaliable tell the evning: in the adept dorm go to the bottom right dorm room filled with plushies, the girl will give you a tour before asking for a favor, get a book from the top right corner of the library, some nightshade at night outside in the school grounds, and special seeds from the grounds keeper house to the left of the school grounds area, return them to her and she'll ask to meet at night in the adept dorm basement, meet her at the far left of the area to complete the quest, reward: Luna's quill.



witches duel: in the magic battle area to the right on the second floor standing in front of the entrance to the dueling platforms is a noble girl witch who will challenge you to a duel, accept and defeat her to earn an item witch battle pin (Note: unlike the pie eating contest of lady luck's casino you can only receive one of this item)


a milky formula: in the basement area of the apprentice dorm in the room to the right you can find a cat girl looking for a rare milk fruit to make a potion, talk with them to start the quest, give them a milk fruit to complete the quest.

pregnant chaos: as val you can plant 5 seeds a night up to 22 seeds in total. (Note: not all locations where you can plant seeds is available at the start and requires access to the adept level areas top plant all the seeds.)

(Note: after beating the area you'll get a cultists key, this can be used to enter a temple to the right of the royal city between it and the cowgirl farm, there is nothing you can do here currently but it is an interesting thing to see.)

Brasswal/fishermen town: (Note: this area and fisherman town are the most recent places made brasswall only has a crystal and spirit you can get from here outside of the main story and fisherman town only has one quest and another lone spirit related to heading to brasswall hence why despite being able to access the place after damia's temple appeared i didn't mention it tell now.)

waygate located strait ahead from the entrance in front of the giant clock.

Crystal: clockwork: located in the underbelly of the city at the back middle of the location through a wooden door (Note: requires the clockwork key acquired by completing brasswalls story)

lone spirit: located in the wagon shop to the top left of the area.

lone spirit: located in the house directly next to the dock.

dad's coming home: in the fishermen town you can talk to a little girl at the docks, if you chose to stay a night after this interaction a cutscene will play at night with leah and the girl, after this head to brasswall and talk to the man outside the city and he'll go home, return to the fishermen town and go into the house with two doors at the bottom middle of the area and talk to the man again then leave the house to complete the quest.

(note: only side quest, points of interest, and various unique scenario will be listed as the game does a great job of letting you know where to go and what to do and main shops are clearly marked, shops will only be mentioned in relation to unique items or side quest.)

(Second note: holding down the confirm button makes any dialogue or cutscene in half. etc. birthing demon eggs in the demon temple)

How do I get into the pyramid dungeon?

after you get sanura to join your party head to the fertility temple west of her village and go through it, after that head to the pyramid in the same area.

What do you mean by go through it? Is there a specific objective? I've already restored the place. But how do I get past the dirt mounds in front of the pyramid?

what do I mean? got through it! just enter the fertility temple and complete it, that's all you have to do. as soon as you go in go to the back and fight a living statue, then sanu gets upgraded and the pyramid becomes available after that.

I met a new problem. I correctly completed the task of the temple and neko village. But the Hieroglyph puzzle in the pyramid could not be triggered. I got four pieces in time. After I reached the fifth floor and took away the treasure, I could not trigger anything when I returned to the pyramid. This bug caused my entire archive to be completely destroyed

glad you said something, I don't know what happened but if I had to guess its because the pyramid enters a new state after its finished, I'll add a note to watch out for this.

I've been having the same problem! I thought the area wasn't available yet! Have you figured out how to get to the piramid? 

to get to the pyramid you must first unlock Sanu's fertility which requires that you head to the tower opposite of the pyramid and get to the end of that, you'll know your at the right place if the archeologist is there (note: you'll actually need to have talked to the archeologist in the neko town to get her to show up there.)

ok I finally figured it out, thanks for the help!

Where can I find the rare milk fruit?

After clearing the Milk Dungeon by the farm you get one.

Sometime probably in chapter 3 the bridge gets fixed in the lumber camp that you can access from Ceder Town its on the left.

Once you use those 2 fruits to fully upgrade the 2 cowgirls at the farm Cindy sells more rare milk fruits.

you don't need more than one to gain the power to buy more, also theres 3 more available, one in the desert after solving the gem puzzle next to the fertility temple, one outside the fertility forest accessed through the only open building up the stairs (the barrles not in the way just go up them from the side), and the third is after the milk dungeon.

Deleted 195 days ago

there are bushes scatered about that give you fertile berries, you have to gather these and give them to the various dyruads to get keys from them, once you get to a maze portion you instead gotta give them to green haired plant girls, repeat until you reach the boss.

Where can I find orphan elf children who can provide a dictionary of elf language?

Depends, you can find them in the royal city in the same building you start in, but if you've already talked to the pregnant caretaker after beating the royal adviser then there probably up at your mansion in the daycare.