hello! ive been using this for a bit but a couple months ago it stopped working, any .sai files created after it stopped working wouldnt show the thumbnail, i tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that only got rid of the rest of the thumbnails, is there a way to get it to work again? thanks!
Hey! Just to make sure, are you using saithumbs-x64.zip or saithumbs-x86.zip? When you extract the installer files and run the installer, is the .dll located somewhere stable such as next to your Sai installation folder?
Have you tried clearing your thumbnail cache? You can clear your thumbnail cache by running "Disk Cleanup" and selecting "Thumbnails" before cleaning. This should get Windows to re-generate all of the thumbnails entirely and invalidate any that it may already have.
I've uploaded a new build with some more recent fixes that you may try out! Let me know how it goes.
You can be sure that you have the latest build by right-clicking the .dll file and going into the "Details" panel to ensure the year is 2023 rather than 2018(The previous build was from 2018 and lots of fixes have happened since then.
thank you very much for the help!
ive tried it out, but unfortunately it didnt seem to work 😅
i cleaned up the cache in between installations, restarted and tried putting the files in different directories, such as directly in the sai install folder, or the folder where i keep my project files but its still not working
Is there any other thing that might have happened that correlates to when it stopped working? I'm getting a little stumped as to what it might be now after doing some more digging😥. Would you be able to provide a sample .sai file(it could just be a blank canvas or a squiggle or something) that fails to generate a thumbnail in explorer? What version of Sai are you using?