I'm sorry. I had a giant Wall of Text typed out, then accidentally closed the Tab.
I'll try to recollect in short what I wrote, but its not going to be as detailed, and probably sounds harsher then its ment to be.
Your Worldgeneration is trash, its just boring and empty. I flew around the whole Thing. Your World is also too big, I don't think you need that big of a World, you could easily quarter its size and instead fill it out with more Detail.
Combat works fine, but swinging etc. feels slow. I can go into negative SP.
Removing and adding Terrain is completely unnecessary, it adds nothing of Value.
Climbing is buggy, you sometimes clip a bit into terrain, can climb onto water and the ground, and when climbing on pillars it glitches out completely. Could also be contextual instead of via buttonpress.
Mask your generation by first generating and displaying some Lore, Character creation, a static introsequence that doesn't need to be generated, or can be generated seperately from the rest of the World etc.
Your Human Model needs work. Hand and Feet are bad, Shoulders are way too small compared to arm and Body thickness, Head is flat and bottom of it is too round. Texture doesn't look particularly good, needs more detail, better colortransitions and so on. What Style are you going for with this? If its supposed to be pixelated Megaman model-like, you have too much geometry on your Limbs i.e. If its more a lower resolution morrowind, you have too little on body and especially Face, and your Textures need to be a lot more painterly then pixelart-y. Not talking about nearestNeighbor/Linear/whatever interpolation, but how the texture itself is painted.
Smoothshade them, you're not trying to show hard Edges on a Organic Body.
Game lags out hard at maybe 30-40 NPCs at one Place, so currently your performance is too bad to generate any actual Villages or Cities. If your World were smaller you wouldn't need to generate big Cities, but at 100km³ I expect at least two reasonably sized Towns, which would have around that amount or more NPCs in a rather dense Area.