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This was a very cool game! Just from seeing the screenshots and description I thought of the lidar game and It Steals. I did not finish the game because I am quite busy. But the user experience was great! I enjoyed the the ambiance of the environment and most of the sound design.

Now for if you would like small nitpicks and feedback

  • I agree with @SerenityDev in the fact that the monster may need a buff in lethality, as it became quite easy to not be killed. Perhaps making the monster more hazy/transparent or completely invisible would work well. Since you already have the popup of text to let players know when the monster is near, I think this would still be a fair experience. Also the player would be able to scan for the monster with the sonar gun, so the player would still be able to search for it.
  • While the majority of the sound design was lovely, sometimes it was a bit difficult to tell where the monster was based on the sounds it made, if that was intentional design thats great. But it was also a little hard to tell if the sound was part of the atmosphere.
  • The sonar gun was great and worked as expected, there was great incentive for the player to use it as it was easier to get lost in the haze without it. One small nitpick I have though is the color theory associated with the dots that appear lol. as far as I can tell, blue = farther away, red = closer to player, and green = monster. When I was playing and I scanned the monster, I assumed that green meant "good" so I thought it was something I needed to pick up. To my surprise, it was the monster instead. Perhaps swapping the color green and red would be a good fix, as red is usually associated with "bad" and would lead to good affordances in game design. Affordances being "I assume [x] because of [y]", the visuals/mechanics/sound/etc. of something implying how it works within your worldspace and how it interacts with other elements of your game.

But in total, very good game! I gave it good ratings and I just wanted to share my bit of feedback

Thank you so much for your feedback :D
-We were actually wanting to increase the lethality of the monster, but were worried about making it too diffcult so we opted to lean on the easier side, however seeing everyones feedback I definetly do think we will make it more dangerous!
-I also really like the idea for the more transparent enemy, we will probably look at implementing that as well.
-Also thank you for your notes on the colors, we can definetly adjust them without too much issue, we kind of just went with colours that stood out initially.

We really appreciate your detailed feedback, its very helpful. and we are glad you enjoyed the game :

Thanks for playing and giving a lot of good feedback, its greatly appreciated!
I cant add much to what Alex already said, but I will say that I advocated to make the enemy easier, that was a mistake on my part :(


Thats all good! Dont worry too much about design decisions early on in development because that difficulty is subjective and its just about figuring out what kind of audience you want to market your game to and what makes it more fun(and fun is also subjective! Its a tough topic lol) :).