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It would be great to have different cursors for clickables and drag-n-drop.

I really like this game, although it seems a bit rng heavy. It's either steam rolling with massive combos or getting completely card cucked. It's probably more of a subjective feel thing, as the game is symmetrical and there is some space for planning out my movements (that I should be doing but can't be bothered to).

Lock status in 3-2 seems very punishing since it got me fucked over for several turns just because there were no cards to pick.

I'd probably prefer tutorial in a full ruleset form. Understanding limits was hard at first.

I didn't really make use of the defense and healing as I don't exactly understand how those work (another thing that could be added to the ruleset).

Quite fun, but having a better understanding of card effects and having more interesting action cards to select from would keep me for longer.

thanks for playing!

rng heavy

i think after playing so much i've internalized a vague sense of when certain cards aren't likely to appear and when they are, which has me sidestep this feeling without even noticing it. i do lose sometimes because i take a chance on a card appearing/not appearing and it doesn't work out which, i guess, does leave you feeling helpless.

a better designed game would get around this, but i can't see any way by nature of it being a game based on a deck of cards... though, i'm sure an easier mode as the base game where enemies suffer from LIMIT more would make this less painful for players

It's either steam rolling with massive combos or getting completely card cucked

every 3rd enemy also uses a "master" AI that looks as deep as possible for moves, which is probably why people often feel this way

there is some space for planning out my movements

i think some playstyles in the game don't even work if you don't know to think about what the enemy might draw next, etc...

that I should be doing but can't be bothered to

...but i have to accept that i've created a game that sits on the line between being a game that you submit your time to (e.g., microsoft solitaire, minesweeper) and a tactical deckbuilder. suffice to say, i think it's a failing on me as a game developer if you aren't able to play the game as you would either of those two genres

Lock status in 3-2 seems very punishing

for sure. it's by design

tutorial in a full ruleset form

i tried this with earlier versions with a description of "simple" and "advanced" mechanics on the menu and it was too abstract for someone who hasn't played the game. though, this does make me think that being able to look through the tutorial prompts in a pause menu during the game would be useful for players

defense and healing as I don't exactly understand how those work (another thing that could be added to the ruleset)

the tutorial is purposely very terse, but if i were to expand SB (unlikely) i would like to have a "library" in the pause menu to look though what cards do what, upgrade to what, and add which card modifiers along with a description of each card modifier's ability

btw, 3-2 is really good for your first run, or even your first time playing. congrats

...but i have to accept that i've created a game that sits on the line between being a game that you submit your time to (e.g., microsoft solitaire, minesweeper) and a tactical deckbuilder. suffice to say, i think it's a failing on me as a game developer if you aren't able to play the game as you would either of those two genres

Sorry about that, I didn't play that much of those except for minesweeper. It's mostly the complexity of the action/passive cards, not having the exact understanding of those, and constant realization that I can get completely cucked while drawing cards. The cards each side starts with seem to be random too, so it seemed like it could go in so many ways even risk management won't help. I can combine greedy card picking with one turn ahead prediction, but that's about it.

though, this does make me think that being able to look through the tutorial prompts in a pause menu during the game would be useful for players

Yeah, that's more or less what I thought about, except for some more info than the prompts alone. If I have to figure out the card effects from the very little info the cards have I would need at least some feedback during the game what happens with each action, like a text log.

a better designed game would get around this, but i can't see any way by nature of it being a game based on a deck of cards... though, i'm sure an easier mode as the base game where enemies suffer from LIMIT more would make this less painful for players

I get it, I thought about it and couldn't come up with much. There could be alternative card picking strategies that wouldn't feed into the SP loop, but then the complexity would make any prediction impossible.

action/passive [equipment], not having the exact understanding of those
I have to figure out the [equipment] effects from the very little info the [equipment has]

what's lacking? i'm the dev and i know everything about the equipment and how CPUs use them intuitively so this is my blindspot. you can examine your opponent's held equips, but i'm sure you know that

The cards each side starts with seem to be random too, so it seemed like it could go in so many ways even risk management won't help. I can combine greedy card picking with one turn ahead prediction, but that's about it.

if i understand what you're saying:

the start of the battle where you have one draw per turn and no sp is the weakest part for rng, yeah. i used to let players use all their free draws in one turn but then they would use them up there and have none for the rest of the board

i assume the second part is about how a human can't predict the way the board will look after they pick up a bunch of cards? yeah, but i've never felt that was a problem

text log

i probably wouldn't add one, even just because it will start to clutter the UI

alternative card picking strategies

i also don't think i would, at least not for the base game mechanics. there's room for more equipment that draws cards like 'Syringe' if i were to add more

(1 edit) (+1)

Mostly the defense thing. Does it apply while card is unpicked on the field, or do I have to pick it to take effect? Can it be used by the enemy? I didn't get to test those much because combined with the rng it would take quite a few tests and paying attention to the hp.

The similar thing was with understanding the limit. It's hard to have the understanding because I have to track the points, pull off a large enough combo and then notice the differences. It's hard being empirical with that underlaying mechanic.


oh! you meant card modifiers. thanks for clarifying both of those points.

you're right that the descriptions of shield card modifiers are lacking, i'll improve that. they're active while on the board for the player who put it there, they even add a little shield icon to its holders HUD and an ARMOR stat to the HUD when examined.

i had thought that the LIMIT tutorial was clear:

As you gain SP, your LIMIT increases.
While over 4 LIMIT, you gain less SP.
Ending your TURN reduces your LIMIT by 5.

"less SP" is shorthand for half SP when <10 and quarter SP when >=10. though i think i'll change it to "at 5 or more LIMIT" and "half SP". the LIMIT HUD bar's text also flashes, but i realize now that it flashes at 6 or more, when it should do it at 5

i also realize that the LIMIT tutorial doesn't mention that drawing a card lowers it by 1

i didn't exactly want LIMIT to be something you have to track, just to have players know that they can't go infinite and that they can end their turn in a smart position instead of trying to pick up more cards for less value