(Part II)
Story narrative and mechanics: Dragon Tear
- Building on prior suggestion of dark/light morality points expressed as Radiant/Poison Hearts – BOFII already have a beautiful story/gameplay mechanic through the Dragon Tear. Could the Dragon Tear be a selectable key time, or even an added submenu page? – it could provide viewing access to Ryu’s skill tree, party character and zone-based morality/reputation checks. Perhaps it provides a character alignment progress check as it lightens/darken over time.
- In the original, the Dragon Tear is an inherited gift from Valerie, what if it had a certain sentience to it? Or added as a conduit between Valerie (Light Side) and Barubary (Dark Side). This exact relationship would not be disclosed to the player character until later in the game, but sort of acts as a voice of morality (Valerie = Angel, Barubary = Devil on Ryu’s shoulder). While Ryu is a silent protagonist, the Dragon Tear might whisper advice or affirm/concerning feedback at story intervals (in the same manner as the cross-party dialogue). These would allow you to feel the impact of light/dark side progression and when the player commits fully to one side, the opposing voice becomes silent. It would also make any face-to-face late game encounters with either Valerie or Barubary have a bit more weight as they would know everything about your journey up to that point.
- Rather than gaining skill points via discovered Dragon shrines (they are a bit oversaturated in some zones), you gain ‘tears’: Mortal, Radiant, and Dark through quests and dialogue decisions. You spend these at the Dragon Shrine via the option to: select your Dragon Tear to convene with Ladon and upgrade skills.
- For example, say I beat Lin at the Colliseum. Defeating her results in 1 Mortal Tear, Choosing to save her results in 1 Radiant Tear. If I let her get poisoned/die – I end up with 1 Mortal Tear and 1 Dark Tear, instead. So in all play throughs, you generally end up with enough Mortal tears to unlock the Ranger Skill Tree, but culminative choices of Light/Dark result in varying outcomes across the Light/Dark Trees.
Story narrative and mechanics: What is a Dark Dragon? And the manifestation of corrupted power. Ideas for Both BOFII and BOFI
o Very excited that you are thinking about playing around with the Light/Dark Brood paradigm, and considering the relevance, timing, and progressions of skill design! Implementing a Dark Dragon skill tree would be quite unique and fresh to the BOF experience. I am going to attempt to offer a head-cannon attempt at justifying my prior suggestions on Ryu’s Dark Dragon skill tree below. It does begin with the suggestion of BOFIV as a prequel, but mainly as it relates to my suggestion of Ryu’s Dark Dragon skill tree being a siphon-based, big nuke damage skill set.
BOFIV: To begin, I am going to assert that Fou Lou was (despite serving as narrative foil to Ryu) not a dark dragon - simply one half of the Yorae dragon. Together they united and ‘maybe’ became Ladon and a pure expression of the pinnacle of Dragon Brood power in the games’ universe. They are a summoned Endless, like Deis. Both summoned incorrectly, imperfect, and remained imperfect after reunification. That may because they were once split, and perhaps in part of the rage experienced by Fou Lou, the united Yorae was flawed, or at least was just as ‘human’ as Deis. Perhaps over the centuries they lived in the world of BOF, later emerging as a clan, augmenting the potentials of other clans, and under Ladon’s guidance, were charged as sort of pacifist stewarts of the world (which appears to have already been the defunct role of the pre-existing BOFIV dragons).
- Interestingly, when Fou Lou was injured by the Carronade, it was sort of a necro anti-matter anti-God weapon created by the same Fou Lou empire. This same empire abducted and mutated Elena into a sort of Lovecraftian horror. Rather than summon, through Elena and the magictek that also produced the Carronade, Yuna created an Endless. Its power was on-par to summoned endless in that Cray was required to use the Dragon Blade to kill Elena. The extent that this was successful and final is inconclusive: Yuna and later bragged about creating future endless. “If” Yuna created (re-created Elena) into what would later be known as Tyr/Myria (thus positioning BOFIV as a prequel), he would have done so with that same magical technology. This power corrupts people, siphons life energy, is otherworldly powerful. If Tyr/Myria was born of this, it explains her influence over the monstruous Dark Dragons of BOFI, and her final Lovecraftian form. Since Fou Lou was hit by the Carronade prior to becoming the merge Yorae dragon, a short of vulnerability/corruption was established. Once that might attract future entities that are also derived from that power. At some point, a sort of derived Carronadeentity known as Tyr/Myria rose up and, did some significant damage (creating Light/Dark clan schism?). With the support of heroes led by Deis and the Dragon Brood, it was put down and sealed.
- BOFI: Not sure if there were ‘dark’ Dragons at the time of the Goddess War, but at least one key appeared to be in possession of Scande, sitting uptop the Obeslik. Perhaps Tyr/Myria used the key to speak to Zog and with that Carronade link corrupt him and the land surrounding (red rivers of poison).
- Perhaps Emperor Zog (BOFI) was the only ‘realised’ Dark Dragon encountered in BOFI because his power source relies on siphoning the power of others, via the corruption inherited by the Carronade essence. That is what makes him a Dark Dragon, as opposed to the Light Dragon, those imperfect Dragons who are happy to subdue and seal their powers (made available to only the worthy of spirit).
- Perhaps the BOFI generals below ZOG became ‘less-dragon like’ because ZOG was drawing that power to himself. They became corrupted monstrosities (Gremlins, Squids) because of their winner take-all totalitarian culture wouldn’t allow them to become weak, and that was all that was left? Basically an incomplete transformation. Makes sense, given Zog was completely out of scale with any other sort of encounter (Dragon or otherwise) in that game. Comparatively, Sara’s Light Dragon boss sprite, wasn’t exactly ‘majestic’ looking (wings seemed proportionally too small, her gut too big), she could have been partly-siphoned while imprisoned - and it partly explains the Light Dragon's interest towards 'sealing their powers'. They had to 1 - Seal Tyr/Myria, 2 - Seal their powers from their own corruption. They have to embrace mortality, to avoid their God power empowering Tyr/Myria.
- Maybe BOFI Jade, Generals, and foot soldiers accepted/endured this Faustian bargain with Zog because they were going to free Myria and she would reserve this and make them all powerful (the big lie). Perhaps Jade just had the means and ambition to undercut Zog and try and claim it all for himself? Maybe Tyr spoke to Jade, convinced him to betray Zog because she was worried that Zog's growing strength was ultimately a risk of rivalry. Zog seemed to think it was the Dragon's destiny to rule the world, not Tyr - since I'm pretty sure he tells BOFI Ryu to conquer in his stead. In a Lovecraftian turn of events, upon meeting Tyr, Jade became akin to her thrall, tries to play the player party like court puppets, while nothing more than a puppet king himself. Unlike the towering 'Dark Dragon Zog,' Jade's final form is some non-descript demon, rather than a Kingly Dragon.
BOFII: The Carronade also fits Deathevan’s nihilistic morality and presentation via St Eva and Barubary – siphoning life, leaving a void behind. Perhaps the use of Agni by BOFI Ryu - stripped Tyr's aspect of Elena, allowing the Carronade core to materialise for the first time, via the 'scar' left behind. I suggest, in Deathevan’s case, given the importance of St Eva and organised religion as part of his path to power - he looks a little less Lovecraftian, adopting more a Judeo-Christian presentation (Dante’s Inferno). Dragnier township and Yua grew unusual wings by being close to DeathEvan - reinforcing the ongoing threat of the corrupting power of Carronade’s influence.
o BOFII: If Ryu chooses the Dark Dragon skill tree, is he unwittingly choosing to augment his Brood powers with those of DeathEvan/Myria - Carronade? That would be the same thing that Argus and Jean2.0 are choosing, only Ryu is stronger and thus more worthy: more Zog's might make right.
BOFIII: Who knows, maybe Myria’s presentation in BOFIII is one that is purged of DeathEvan (Carronade anti-matter energy manifest), with a sort of Elena personality template reset emerging from reincarnation. Again, maybe the use of Agni by the BOFI team prompted a split of aspects, and the mural in Dragonier kind of treats Myria as a sort of external Lovecraftian demon, with the innocent child at the centre. Her conflict in BOFIII is trying to ‘right’ a world that was nearly destroyed by the ‘old her’ (of which she feels completely dissociated and absolved from) and the ‘Dark’ Dragons (which are simply just Dragons) are instead the dangerous threat because they succumbed to the ‘old me that is no longer me’ corrupting influence.
BOFIII Myria wants to see herself as Elena: humanitarian royalty caring to the orphans of Synesta (scaled to the 'children' of BOFIII), DeathEvan is purged. But – you know, God complex and Myria is forever a corrupt creation... so it robs unique people of purpose (Rei) and free-agency (Garr). Basically, same end-stasis/nihilism as DeathEvan with the desert of Death and life-less citizens of Kombinat, but different methods and morality. Perhaps thats why her boss form in BOFIII is much more animalistic, rather than Lovecraftian/Demonic. Its both a representation of that attempted purge/rebirth, but is only a self-delusion because she is still... a monster.
Also, Elena only met the Yorae dragon briefly at the time of her death - and who knows what was told to her by Yuna about her purpose while she was being transformed. Yuna was a monster, created her in monstrous form, and without clear purpose. If Elena was told she was Endless in this new form, that's her frame of reference: Endless = Monster. In drawing the personal conclusion that she needed to be killed, whatever reincarnated aspect of her that followed, while seemingly having a greater desire for self-preservation (Myria), she's still living a life removed from others, and is probably is largely biased against all things Endless (Yggdrasil, Brood... Deis as well).
Maybe Deis was specifically imprisoned in naked human form by the Guardians because it was Myria’s imposition of that attempt at ‘purging/purifying’ the demonic side to them both. Curious that in BOFIII, Myria adopts the angelic Windian form – a call back her own connection to something pure: Elena?). Across the BOF series, Ryu and Nina keep sort of 'coming back' as the same, but not the same character - I think the re-creation of undying Elena as a corrupted Endless Myria/DeathEvan, and an indirect link established between 'it' and Fou Lou via the Carronade attack could offer the series a grounding to its recurring conflict and notion of Light/Dark Clans.
Phew - it would seem I am just adding too much onto the pile! Looking forward to your next update, because whether or not you take on some of the above suggestions I'm sure it'll be solid and people will continue to enjoy your vision.