The skill (and it seems that inherited skills are affected as well) is simply skipped and available without cooldown next turn.
BTW, when do enemies die? I get the impression that they soak up attacks while being already dead.
Sounds really strange and like a bug. You amybe have a save file aviable so i can test it out and see for myself?
That is just how the engine works, even if the enemie is technical dead already the game skill needs to finish all attacks on it to move on. Sadly not found a workaroud that yet. At least that is what I think you are refering too?
I have one at
Yes, that sounds like it.
Another bug: Serina calls out the Slime transformation (after opening the locked door in the ruins), when you are using the mouse form. Not even sure you can get the slime transform at that point. I had done the only 4 guild quests yet and didn't get to the new ones.
I tested it out with the newest version currently aviable to downlaod, I used sword rain and a ew others and they worked no problem for me in that save file. I also tried using them at the boos and had no problems either. Sorry couldn't find anything.
Oh right forgot to set a switch, it should be fixed now. New patch who will fix a lot of stuff also comes out today.
Yes you only need to get 100 or 125 reputation to unlock the quest for it, so its possible but not the "Common" route I would say.
It work for me then I tested it so Iit should be i assume.
The new patch that comes out today actually reworks the "Rabbbit in Heat" status effects a little bit and makes it easier to lose the effect. Now condition also gets removed after a set number of turns. Also should fix the guarding thing as well i think.