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Gameplay/Concept is very fitting for the jam, visuals are on Point, even though I'd say make it more neon-esque. Even though there are the cyberpunkish neon lights, it felt a bit "flat" to me ... dunno how to describe it well, and maybe its only me ...
Two small things I found a bit irritating: Part of the music cut of randomly for me. And second thing is attacking being controlled by mouseclick, but the attack direction dictated by your wasd movement, that felt off for me, even though it works pretty good if you get used to it.

Music is tied to the platforms. Each instrument matches to one of them and is removed when the platform dies. Was implementing music at literally the last second and didn't have time to queue to remove on the next bar instead of immediately.

Thanks for the  feedback!

Oh, wow. Yeah, that makes absolute sense, didn't make the connection in my brain xD
Then it's actually a pretty cool feature, though the cutoff is a bit abrupt.

Might be more satisfying for the player if the music layers get added as the platforms disappear to match the rising tension as the space gets smaller and smaller. The dissonance between the music leaving and the rising tension makes for an unsatisfying feeling. Cool idea though!