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A member registered Jan 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

This threw me at first too, but quickly became less weird feeling and after 5 minutes or so it was second nature. I think its a holdover from when the mouse was visible while clicking and dragging. So dragging down and right to launch left made sense: like launching a bird in Angry Birds. But with the mouse hidden, that part of aiming is abstracted and people are conditioned to move in regards to the indicator so we expect moving the mouse left to move the aim left.

Albert hardcoded some of the values for the mouse aiming, so they would need to refactor things in terms of viewport size to allow for different screen sizes.

(4 edits)

Didn't encounter any of the known bugs during normal gameplay. Game is a bit easy though, but maybe that's because I watched Albert play it so much and absorbed the strats.

Oh I mean an error just unzipping the file. It says something like "could not move file" and then the directory I unzipped to is empty.

Music is tied to the platforms. Each instrument matches to one of them and is removed when the platform dies. Was implementing music at literally the last second and didn't have time to queue to remove on the next bar instead of immediately.

Thanks for the  feedback!

Yup, found the yellow arrow but couldn't sprint :(

Came back to see if this one was fixed yet. Can't even run the game now, throws an error immediately.

Neat concept! Though battles became very easy once you get the hang of which way to strike. Maybe another enemy type where they change their weak spots every half second or so. Would be cool to see this expanded with more mechanics.

You weren't kidding about the collisions lol

Not sure if there is an end to the level, usually just ended up with my falling through a solid platform into a never-ending abyss. If I managed to accumulate a good amount of potions they'd just end up falling through my  cauldron at some point anyways. I dig the art though!

The grey/green bar covers half my screen which seems to make the mouse control very finicky. Can't really see what I'm doing and pressing buttons seems to do nothing.

My Undertale runs prepared me well for this! Also lol to the GoT joke.

(1 edit)

Tried twice to download and run. Windows gave me an error unzipping both times. Left unrated.

Aesthetically pleasing but left something to be desired gameplay-wise. Not sure if it was bugged for me but didn't seem like I could sprint at all. Just wandered around slowly failing to make jumps it seems like I should be able to make and then having to walk slowly back to the box to get another jump.

Also can't grab the cheese on level two :(

Cool concept and fun to play around with!

(1 edit)

Well done but could ramp up the challenge a bit faster. Didn't really have to try at all until 10 mins, and then even by 15 mins there wasn't much juggling required. I enjoyed it though!

Good, simple fun. Gets nice and hectic towards the end but the chill music keeps the vibe peaceful. Though did seem like I got hit by something I appeared to dodge.

Good spooky vibe. Not sure if something is bugged or if I'm just blind, but having the red and green key I've interacted with every thing in the room and not had anything new happen.

Well-made and complete-feeling game. Music is good, art style suits it and looks clean. Wall jump feels a bit weird, maybe I'm just used to needing to press away instead of towards the wall.

Looks and sounds great! Double jumping felt hard to do sometimes, perhaps some "coyote time" is needed to give some leeway. Great job overall!

Google translated to Portuguese:

Parece ótimo! Às vezes, parecia difícil fazer saltos duplos, talvez seja necessário algum "tempo de coiote" para dar alguma margem de manobra. Ótimo trabalho no geral!

Simple but fun! At first I didn't know what the red bar was because I was dodging everything so well. Agree with idea of adding a score but I actually had a lot of fun as is.

Solid bones here, just needs some more gameplay.

Great game held back only by how bad I am at it.

Also recommend changing the Escape button to something else. When playing in Fullscreen, trying to cancel a block exits fullscreen first and then have to hit Escape again to cancel.

Thank you for the kind words!

Pleasant graphics and sfx, controls well too. Perhaps a bit too easy once you figure out you need both stone and wood to repair. Never really had any close calls after the first try.

Really unique! Wish I could see my high score on the game over screen. Highest I noticed getting was like 90ish? There were often periods where I could sit in one spot or barely have to move and get 50 points in a row with minimal effort.

Ditto others' on the feedback issue. The days being 2:30 long means I'll probably have forgotten what I gave a specific adventurer which makes trial-and-error difficult. Otherwise a great and unique concept that was well executed!

Feels great to play, the controls are snappy and everything just works. My only nitpick is that the cursor is too large / not transparent and makes seeing what I'm aiming at difficult.

A real visual and stylistic gem! Placing objects could be a little finicky, but overall a great concept worth exploring further.

Great concept. Not sure what the paper is supposed to do though? Didn't seem to be consumed or have an effect when used and some runs a bunch of them dropped leaving me with nothing but the normal attack to fend off enemies.

Really unique take on the theme! I would have loved to have been able to stomp those turtles, they just look like they'd be so satisfying to bounce off of.

Unfortunately doesn't work for me either, can't build anything :(

Simple but nicely animated graphics, silly but charming sound effects, and fun gameplay. Perhaps a bit too hard, but drifting near edges and pulling off clutch shots was very satisfying.