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A member registered Nov 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry to hear that! I might have to make the fov higher - it would fit the game I think, and afaik it can help with motion sickness.
I agree that it definetly needs a menu and other stuff, I just didn't manage to do that in the time given :D
Thanks for taking the time to play my game!

Oh, wow. Yeah, that makes absolute sense, didn't make the connection in my brain xD
Then it's actually a pretty cool feature, though the cutoff is a bit abrupt.

That's strange ... Are you sure you collected it (/that it was equipped)? You have limited Skill Slots, with the maximum displayed in the techbay. If I understand it correctly, you have collected the jump skill first. That would mean that you either would have to un-equip jump at the techbay, or have to find another skill slot pickup to be able to have sprint and jump at the same time. But you should also be able to get to an skill slot upgrade with a non-sprinting jump. Worked for me in testing, at least.

I agree on the i-frames, besides that pretty solid entry

I could see this being iterated on, because the basic visual design is kinda nice (even though it needs more variety), and I liked the sound, but as mentioned by octogoon, it needs some balancing.
Other than that I can clearly see what you were going for, but (I assume) couldn't reach in the short time. Anyway, you made a functioning game, with sound, multiple levels and a menu in just a week - that's quite the achievement!

Gameplay/Concept is very fitting for the jam, visuals are on Point, even though I'd say make it more neon-esque. Even though there are the cyberpunkish neon lights, it felt a bit "flat" to me ... dunno how to describe it well, and maybe its only me ...
Two small things I found a bit irritating: Part of the music cut of randomly for me. And second thing is attacking being controlled by mouseclick, but the attack direction dictated by your wasd movement, that felt off for me, even though it works pretty good if you get used to it.

Solid foundation, especially regarding you made it in two days, even though that's on you.
Works well, but I found it kinda irritating to have my position reset when reaching the next level.
Sound design is pretty good, too. But tbh aside from seemingly set in space, I don't really see the fit for the theme (?)

Thank you very much!

Sprinting should work as soon as you collect/equip the sprinting upgrade, a yellow arrow. With it you can make farther jumps

I like this game, because it looks great, it plays well, the sound is nice ... Everything is very well put together. But I also hate the game a little bit, because it shows me how stupid I am xD
Would be nice to have an edit option after you failed, so you don't have to start over everytime.

I played this way too long xD
The control feels a bit floaty at times, but then again it fits a squirrel ... sooo ....
Are the squishers random or did you set patterns for them? Either way, from nut 35 or smth like that it broke(?) only one over and over again, same position and blocking two others that should have been there.
Other than that, I had fun. Way too much fun. Let's see who beats my highscore xD

Easy to understand, fit's the jam's theme, is a clever puzzler with interesting requirements apart from just placing down the pieces, and the artstyle is on point! I only have a small bit of critique, that being that sometimes it is a little bit hard to pick up things again, and with some pieces I could'nt instantly read how big they were.
Besides that, great entry!

Yes, exactly. Sometimes when I got killed, and it started over again, I had still some games there, not starting over with zero

Sadly only gives me an error using firefox, so I couldn't play it ...

(1 edit)

Alltogether a very nice game. Everthing feels very coherent. Only exception is a) the background animation sometimes hindering the visibility of the level - But this is not really a point, since it's completely optional. And b) that I have no idea to get past Level 7 ... But that's on me, I guess
Also, there should be some kind of indication in which order you have to collect the keys

The concept of the game isn't something revolutionary or new, but very fitting for the theme of the jam. Also it is more or less well executed. Except for the red dot being dragged behind, and not being snapped to the cursor, everything works fine. One (even though it's a very minor one) little hickup, is that the red outline gets broken by some of the obstacles, so you can already kinda see where something is roughly. You chose a pretty fitting font, given the simplistic nature of the game, which is nice. Also I liked the music, being very soothing and calming, contrastig the more or less enraging gameplay.
I'd say, snap the collider to the mouse, and make the light a bit bigger, so it get's in the realm of the possible to dodge moving obstacles, and then implement those for more levels and more variation in the game overall.

I can clearly see the idea behind this, which would be fitting the theme kinda nicely, and in a way (combining it with a "racing" game) I didn't expect.
But! 1. The game seems to not care about wether I'm in a parking space or not. And 2. I get like 9fps :/

The recording is fine (being a one take doesn' thurt it, more the opposite, making it more authentic) and also the explanation, it just doesn't work for me. I get killed no matter if I switch tabs or not. Also the games downloaded counter doesn't always reset.

The idea is really cool, and this caught me offguard with your execution of it. Especially since The audio recording in the background is really cool. I can see how you should download as many games as possible. But on the one hand it only boils down to pressing 1, 2 or three, whichever has the smallest number of mb, and on the other hand, the avoiding mechanic, to not die, didn't work for me, so I don't know if maybe there was more to this game.

I can easily see the connection to the theme of the jam, that's a plus!
I like the basic concept, the artstyle and the music. But sadly, on the second level already, I can't pickup the cheese. Also you might want to add some more frames to the animation of the paw.
But I could see myselft playing more of this.

Hey, seems like someone tries to steal your game, and use it for gamejams, too.

stolen game

First off, I like the idea of the game, and I think if you iterate on the art, making it more dark and gritty, it could be a cool, claustrophobic experience. The controls, or rather the collision, and especially the orientation of the playermodel was rather strange/buggy. Often I was crawling left or right, but the model was orientated as if I was going down.
Even though I just admired the claustophobic experience, I still think the view should be zoomed out a little bit more, giving you a bit of space for at least an oxygen meter. Felt rather dull to die all of a sudden, having no info on my oxygen beforehands. And maybe a minimap, revealing the paths you have already explored. The animation was simple, but fitting for the artstyle, so no negativity on that. I think the sound was pretty good.
I have to add, since the menu was cut off for me, I might have had problems with resolution/aspect ratio.
Overall a good entry to the jam

I see ... Yeah, I actually tried to nail the timing, so it's hard but also still possible.
Maybe try waiting for a bit, and then concentrate on the jumping only ;)

I was never able to find pic related. Maybe because of really bad luck, or maybe it's just not in the game yet(?). Very solid foundation for a game I'd say - keep working on it!
And regarding the collecting of items - maybe think about attracting items in a specific range to your player to collect them (?).

I'm sorry to hear that! :/

Do you mean the very first ice-styled level, or the one called "can you pick me up"?

If it's the first, I'm sure you can do it (or is the platforming too hard due to the slippery controls? Seems I have messed that up a bit). If it's the latter one, and you struggle finding the way - the crucial hint is the name of the level ;)

Feel free to message me if you're stuck somewhere 😊

Thank you!

I see the controls being a common theme/the main point of critique, so I know where I have to put more work (more time😅) into in the future.

Very good feedback from everyone, this being my first gamejam, and basically my first game, everything is very helpful.

Thank you for your feedback!

I definitely have to work on character controllers/tighter controls 😅

Wow, thank you very much 😲😍

Those "special" levels were the base idea, to tackle the theme in a kind of fourth-wall break way, I'm so happy that you liked it that much :)

Also, now that you mentioned it, my brain tickles a bit ... Yeah ... I just might have left something in there accidentally after testing ... Will fix ASAP

Glad you liked it, I hope the controls being to slippery didn't stop you from playing through the game and finding the "true ending" :)

Thank you for your kind words!

(1 edit)

Regarding the Level 2 - "Can you pick me up?" - you have to think a bit outside the box here on how to get Bob to the goal. I hope you will try again, so you can get to the secret ending too.

I agree on the slipperyness of Bob, but it was meant to be part of the challenge since it is a bit restricted by the single-screen-layout.
Seeing you're not the only one giving me feedback on the controls I will definitely work on that in future projects :)
Thanks for your feedback

Seems to be very polished up to this point, but is missing content I guess.
Game I played the longest of all of this Jam :)
Two things I found irritating were - 1. collecting the ressources with the mouse instead with the player model 2. Not being able to get all ressources(?)

Overall a nice experience, really amazing what you did in just two days! Getting softlocked by/with the hammer is definitely a big problem. But, for my understanding it's the opposite of the theme, since there is nothing on the planet in the beginning, and you sometimes(/often) need exactly something that is not already there ...

I would love to see further progress on this project, I'm curious what we will see in future releases.

Not to be rude, but I don't really see what you did here yourself. It seems like it's only a mashup of some assets. And especially regarding this, it's shockingly short, since the first level is in the asset pack, and the second one is just one empty room.

With the teleport powerup you can skip whole levels, and the double jump is more or less useless, needs work with those both and the leveldesign. Was vibing to the music, but missed some sfx.
Overall nice, but at the same time very broken gameplay-wise - let's see a release with some balancing :)
Also I didn't get how it fits the theme(?).

Always nice to see a complete game in a Jam, even if it's a short one! Also fits the theme, but it's way too easy, and (at least for me) the lighting was totally off. It was way too bright, so that it rendered the flashlight useless. Also I didn't like the sounddesign, but that might be just me.

(1 edit)

Everything is Salad xD
Some quirks here and there, but an overall nice concept. Would be way more interesting/challenging, if there were customers you had to cook for. Fits the theme very well!