Hi! I'm a big fan of dark fantasy so I decided to check this out!
Tested both versions, I think you could tweak or work on the mouse / movement sensibility thing, now it seems it's a bit "dragging" if you know what I mean?
Also the environment lights, colors, it's all interesting so far.
I know the SFX are provisitional but could you lower their volume down?
That's it for now!
Hey! Thanks a lot for your feedback. You've got some good music on your page as well.
You tried both? Awesome! It's a work in progress and I'm still learning Unity. Movement's important to me. Is it "jittery" for you? Unity is famous for that and I'm trying to limit that little by little as I go. Or do you mean the sensitivity is low/mouse doesn't move much?
I use a pretty low sensitivity, especially when creating, it helps with precision. It could be due to that. Eventually I'll have a mouse sensitivity slider.
Which SFX, the weather sounds, or the combat bonks? And yes I could! Balancing the volume and intensity of the sounds is a long term goal.
Thanks again!
Thanks, In addition to that I'm finishing up a viking music pack and I'm planning on finishing another ambience SFX package containing wind, rain, rumbling, etc, as well as combat hits, spells, UI sounds, etc. All for fantasy rpg. I really like dark fantasy music such as the ones from Elden ring, which are also planned to be made and released, let's see how it goes!
I'm not sure what "jittery" means, but it feels like it's "dragging", like, when I move to the left and stop, it still lags and keeps moving to the left before it stops.
The combat bonks yeah, get them lower if possible. I can give you a couple of suggestions as to what to use to replace these placeholders down the road if you'd like!
Got it, thanks. I think that will something that will have to be looked at and tested as time goes on. If it keeps happening down the road, maybe I could see a video. I keep refining the player controller, that's something I keep looking at.
Sure, that would be great. I used Audacity to generally blunt those sounds already, cut the treble and a few other things. They were from a free pack and were pretty sharply loud to begin with even :D Suggestions would be great whenever you like. Even so, those sounds are probably just placeholders for now.
I have a Fantasy RPG SFX software as well as some bought general packs so I could definitely help you out with some monthly SFX to get you started. I also have a shiton of fantasy / dark fantasy music as well. I offer all of that through a Patreon system, so it's all very affortable and you get a little bit of assets per month, so it's not overwhelming to you.
Here's the link in case you're interested:
The problem with the SFX is that sometimes the sample itself is of a bad quality and no amount of editing will fix it, for instance, I don't really like the fire spell SFX that this software that I have generates so that's something I have to create it manually layer after layer.
Also, here's my youtube handle @fictiumsosunddesign, in case you want to check out all the content I created so far of video game music.