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Good characters and setting, I really felt the victorian vibes. I do have to ask, is this part of a larger story? It seemed to not fit the theme very well, despite being well written. It's paced like it should be 5,000 words instead of 1,000. Just asking because if I could read the 5,000 word version, I would. Sorry in advance if that sounded harsh. I do really like your writing.

It will be part of a larger story. to find the theme, look not at the typical co-protagonist methodolgy, as I took a less conventional route having co-antagonists team up. It seems to throw everyone tbough. 

Understandable, I figured it was part of a larger narrative. I think if you had even just a few hundred more words to work with, say 1500 total, the theme would've shone through no problem. Like I said, solid writing and story telling though.

I appreciate the honest opinion and am glad you liked it overall. I have an overarching them in mind and plan to continue to write towards it in coming jams. Jam #8 started the Blackvayne saga and #9 was a prequel so they are essentially out of order. I am thinking #10 will be in the same saga but something different than what I've done thus far. People will love it or hate it and that's okay by me.