A question a day ! (I'm trying hard to have something completed for the deck-month !!)
So, I'm using two things :
1. The Interior Contraption (I can drag a canvas to show what's behind a card)
2. The Decker Dialogizer (I can display text on the bottom of the screen as in a narrative adventure)
What I'm trying to do is to display a text only once, when I enter a card. For this I use a checkbox called tooted, and I use this script on my card :
on go card trans delay do c:deck.card send go[card trans (30 unless delay)] if tooted.value.1 dd.open[deck o] dd.say["Premier texte."] dd.close[] tooted.value:!tooted.value end end
The text is only displayed once BUT my interior contraption can't be drag anymore ! And if I delete this lines of script, I can move the interior contraption.
Have you got an idea ?