I'm at a brick wall with these duelists. I was able to take down Fire Duelist Lara with poison weapon coating, but the others kill me far too quickly for that to be viable. Item Duelist Clemence's bombs kill me instantly even with anti-magic armor coating (and take out more than a third of my health if I guard), and Thunder Duelist Rene takes me out extremely easily as well (it doesn't help that Aura is weak to thunder and there doesn't seem to be a way of changing this). I even tried just guarding the entire fight (with defensive stance II) to see if Rene would eventually run out of mana, and that didn't work either.
EDIT: Also, of COURSE the special enrollment program to the academy is a brainwashing scheme. Guess I'll have to somehow scrounge up 20,000g if there's anything important there. A pity, I get the feeling that the scene would have been really hot had it not involved the unlikable sexist prick and if Aura had been, oh, 5-10 years older than she is now.