Jeez ! I was about to cite Mark's Untitled magnet game in my previous comment as a good puzzle platformer design example and also his "courses" on game design are a must watch to me. Now I fully understand "what" you are, and why your game is that interesting, have so much potential and have so much in common with this guy's design philosophy, also the art intention looks pretty similar, the "magnetic field" too.
I Love that guy and most importantly his content, and he is totally right. Hitman for ex, can both be seen as a TPS stealth action game and a puzzle game. In fact I think if we can even expand the thing further more : each little action your player make, can be a micro puzzle in whatever the genre of your game is, that just don't need as much brain processing power as a real puzzle.
And also I think puzzler are "easy" to make during jams, many of them doesn't even have a controllable character or complex animation. For example : I think you can literally remade all the visual assets of "Baba is You" in less than 1H. That's typically a programmer and game designer wet dream.