Hey guys! So here we go again:
I would love answers to the following questions, then I’ll leave and never come back. Caribdis, please answer these questions:
-Why is the 0.7 release taking longer than usual to finish?
-Why don’t you give Itch the same attention you do other platforms, such as Patreon and Subscribestar?
-Why don’t you provide the same information on Itch that you make available on the aforementioned platforms. Information such as the amount of progress you have made towards the next release?
If you want to ignore me, block me, then please go ahead. I’m not going anywhere even if you do. Ill stop when I get some answers from Caribdis. It would only take a minute, lets face it.
You might be wondering why I am bothering. Its simple. New people will come along sooner or later, they wont have me blocked yet, so they will see this and maybe they will stop to wonder why. Maybe even consider what I am saying. Maybe they will even ask the same things. Maybe they will just think I’m an inconsiderate A-hat too. Cool.
For those who might be wondering: I used to love this VN. I even contributed to the creator, Carbdis. financially once through Itch. I think the story is wonderful, the girls are gorgeous in every way. Its a good VN, well worth a look by anyone that cares too give it a try.
But let the buyer beware! The development time is getting longer on each release, the 0.6 release took 6 months to reach public release. I want to know why because as I see it I have invested in the story and as an investor I want more information so I can judge whether or not I wish to make more investments. Well I did before I was ignored by Caribdis and derided by the other fans.
So here’s what I’m going to do next. I’m going to spam this Itch page with this message every day until Carbdis responds to me directly with an answer to my questions. I’m going to leave walls of text so that any newcomer cant miss it. Wont take me long, copy and paste is fun!
So please consider my words, such as they are. All I want are answers.
Thank you for your time.