This game was amazing! One of the best! The premise is suuuper cool. It's hilarious to think one corp is behind all of the usual different solicitors and that they scout you to know what to send. The gameplay idea is well designed too. Finding clues is a really fun way to know what a person likes, and having them walking around their houses works out really well. Aaand, I also really liked that there are more intricate ways of getting to some places, like in the last level that you have to go through the roofs to get to one spot of a house. It's really good!
The music fit the game really well. The upbeat sound matches the bizarre nature of what we're doing it. It's cool how the music changes and dims when you enter a restricted area, and that through the music you can also tell when a house member spotted you.
I liked the idea of interacting with the guards to mark them for a while. It's a nice touch that as the timer of that mark fades, the red outline does so too. You can tell how long you have before it disappears simply by looking at it, no other UI needed. That's great design! I did think that the time it gave you was a little too short, especially on the big houses!
I also believe that the graphics fit the game style well. The smooth textures suit the wacky / silly context of what we're doing.
I have to admit that in the big house on the last level I could never find the three clues, two at most. Managed to guess but still, it was hard.
I do have to mention a bug that happened to me. There's a gray square that stays to the left of the map, and then when the level finished goes to the middle, and finally goes back to the left. I don't know what caused it, and it doesn't really affect the game, but it's still there. This is what I mean:
Other than this, amazing game!