Are there rules in the gaps 23-26 and 30-33? Rule #9 is the only one apart from the smilies that doesn't end with correct punctuation.
#1: Thou shalt pray to the Cat God.
#2: There is only one real Cat God.
#3: Know the rules, know your place.
#4: Always have one or more friends with you when praying.
#5: Peace through prayer!
#6: Gain Karma through Prayer, gain my favor though Karma.
#7: Be friendly, be kind, always have prayer in your mind.
#8: You are just as equal as everyone who is not the Cat God.
#9: Don't think too much. / Nine is divine
#10: Your prayers are heard and will be rewarded.
#11: Only the faithful prosper.
#12: Show me your worth and you will receive my gifts.
#13: Luck does not exist. Only destiny does.
#14: Don't worry about insurance: everything is safe with Cat God.
#15: When in doubt, ask your fellow feline friends.
#15a: When still in doubt, pray for forgiveness, as doubt is a sin.
#16: Sweet Sixteen. No rule, just a neat number.
#18: Humans are dead and their legacy is forbidden.
#19: Blessed be thee who has been gifted many times.
#20: Your power shall never exceed that of Cat God.
#21: The higher you climb, the harder you fall.
#22: Get yourself a Cat-Bot now! Prices are non-negotiable.
#27: Don't believe in the lies of the Fallen.
#28: Devote yourself to me and your wishes will be granted.
#29: Be the best at being the best
#29a: But try not to be better than Cat God. It's a sin.
#34: (single weird smily)
#35: Plan ahead!
#36: Don't trust those that are not the Cat God.
#45: Don't you dare stop praying.
#54: Don't try to oppose me. All your base are belong to the Cat God.
#63: Don't read this rule aloud. Else you might become a trout.
#69: (double weird smily)