Hello! Well this is going to hopefully be my first successful game jam I've joined. This will be my first game, I have no history of game dev, and I've been learning a lot of blender these last few weeks. So basically restarting a lot.
I would recommend starting a Youtube channel soon. Here is a guy who did this : (4) Blackthornprod - YouTube
Welcome to the Jam!
I wish you luck with your entry. If you get stuck and need help with Blender I may be able to help out. Keep us informed of your project as it unfolds!
Restarting and encountering challenges is a frequent occurrence when working on game projects and I revel in these moments as it's often at times of confusion that I learn the most.
Try not to get discouraged and don't be afraid to take breaks if you find your motivation waning.
I find lots of people (myself included) - find pacing themselves when learning new skills is the most challenging aspect of it.
Sometimes taking a little break and seeking help is the best thing you can do as a beginner.
If you need help with Blender or to bounce some ideas back and forth feel free to hit me up.
Happy Gaming!