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(1 edit)

After breifly read your reply.

I seems to start understanding why you have slow update progress,coding is soooooooo hard,I thank you for creating this "fun" game.

Anyway,in conclusion,use this code in Classlist.cs for example.

list.Add(new Class("Humvee", "Vehicle", "c911", "Vroom!Vroom! Open up for your Freedom delivery is here!", "Commander", "Master", 0, 69, new Stat(500f, 600f, Dice(15, 50f)), new Stat(140f, 200f, Dice()), new Stat(100f, 140f, Dice(5, 50f)), new Stat(70f, 100f, Dice(5, 50f)), new Stat(40f, 80f, Dice(3, 30f)), new Stat(45f, 90f, Dice(3, 50f)), new Stat(40f, 80f, Dice(3, 30f)), new Stat(100f, 120f, Dice(3, 30f)), 7, UnitInfo.Move.Ground, 30, 200, 1, 150, 5, 0, 2, (SpecialV s) => 2, 1, 5, 1, 90, 0, new int[3] { 15, 16}, new int[6] { -99, 10, 11, 16, 120, 121 }));

1.In order to add a "skill" in the modded character, I simple put new attack id from attacklist.cs in the "new int[3] { 15, 16 }" ,new skill/ability  from skilllist.cs in the "new int[6] { -99, 10, 11, 16, 120, 121 }))"?

2.Does game will treat it like two different character despite one is in mod file and the other one exist in classlist.cs and having the exact same values?

3.Ignore the "urrent.skills.Remove(122)" due to its mainly about digestion prey.

4. ignore -99 in "new int[6] { -99, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 }" its goofy ahh stomach sizer system which i dont wanna understand due to its complexity

5.I found that skill 28 and 29 basically is the worse verison of skill 120 (, "Transporting", "Transporting", "Carrying allied units without digesting them. If an enemy is eaten, if digestion is commanded, or if afflicted with certain status effects, will digest all units inside her.")

i guess i will replace those with skill 120 and 121,due to you can have snacks in the car,with normal digestion speed and the fact how many you are carried wont really affect the speed of car(if  you didnt put 10 people in the humvee in once ofc).

6.The situation now is that,i already have finished modded unit in the mod files,and it function normally aka can only attack and i dont know how to apply/insert new attacks and skills on this modded character named "Humvee" after putting a large code(code from above in classlist.cs.Does it counted as finished and it will function normally in theory?

7.Damn,I hope my 'c911' code wont broke the game.

8.Zamn,I dont know what my "0,69" would do in ""Commander", "Master", 0, 69, new Stat I guess its just rarity value.

9.About Making a new Attack called "Launch Missile",In order to achieve it and attach it on the modded unit,I should go to attacklist.cs,make a new attack and let the modded unit conculde the attack id?

(note that I am not part of the dev team, I am just someone who mods the game for fun)

the game reads skills to give a unit from the 2nd array, so throw them into the new int[6] { -99, 10, 11, 16, 120, 121 })); part

yeah, any characters listed in ClassList.cs and characters created by the modded character system will be treated as entirely separate characters code-wise (so they won't inherit anything you create for them in ClassList.cs)

stomach sizer system is mainly for giving out temporary skills related to the unit's current total stomach size; you can think of it as doing "if total stomach size is greater to or equal to x then give y"

you need to have a skill on a unit with the flag Skill.Flag.Carrier or else it won't be considered as having carrier abilities (which is what chateau's bulwark does); don't try to use 120 or 121 as actual skills to put on a unit since they're temporary skills that are used to designate the current state of the unit

to give a modded unit custom skills or abilities, you need to modify ModLibrary.cs (it contains a field you can edit for adding attacks / skills to a unit); it should work as long as the code you created follows the format the game uses and doesn't override anything itself

the first stat after names is the unit's gender (0 is female, 1 is male, 2 is gender-neutral), you don't really need to worry about it since it's used for pronouns (mainly just for modded units); the stat after that is for rarity which only works properly for values 3-6, any more or less than that will cause the game to break due to trying to read invalid values

yeah, that's the process you have to go through to make new attacks and put them onto a unit

I have noticed the so called "field"

there are some questions when i first seeing this.

1.I will remove the code in the Classlist.cs in order to not to have 2 same units in game.

(the code in Classlist.cs)

list.Add(new Class("Humvee", "Vehicle", "c911", "Vroom!Vroom! Open up for your Freedom delivery is here!", "Commander", "Master", 2, 5, new Stat(500f, 600f, Dice(15, 50f)), new Stat(140f, 200f, Dice()), new Stat(100f, 140f, Dice(5, 50f)), new Stat(70f, 100f, Dice(5, 50f)), new Stat(40f, 80f, Dice(3, 30f)), new Stat(45f, 90f, Dice(3, 50f)), new Stat(40f, 80f, Dice(3, 30f)), new Stat(100f, 120f, Dice(3, 30f)), 7, UnitInfo.Move.Ground, 30, 200, 1, 150, 5, 0, 2, (SpecialV s) => 2, 1, 5, 1, 90, 0, new int[2] { 15, 16}, new int[6] { -99, 10, 11, 16, 28, 29 }));

2.Ok if this can only read one unit at the time,How to make 2 modded units? Using two mod files(for example:Mod A and Mod B) and put them in the mod file?


btw i found this section and modified it a bit.

this is after my modification.

And i guess if there are more than one mod file,the change will be like this.

Now the mod thing is getting clear again,however what is reamin still bothered me.

If I finished this coding thing,what do i do after finished it? i cant open modded vessel tactic ofc.

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Is your system locale set to English ? that can be the issue with games opening and closing, if not you would need to redownload the game and extract it. other times it could be the file pathing. (I hope you find this to be helpful) if not then idk

you can have multiple modded characters loaded in at once since you just need to put their separate asset folders into the "Mods" folder of the game

is there a specific issue you're having when using modded characters? (e.g. you have no units when starting up the game)

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the thing is that idk if this works,thus i need you guys help me confirmed that.

so after i modified these all,and delete the code in classlist.cs.

I dont know what is the next step?

because for now,everything in my folder named "Vessel Tactic 911 test" is only "AuxiliaryFiles" and "ExportedProject"

there isnt any "vessel tactic" for me to click in and play.

you need to use dnspy to inject the code you made into the Assembly-CSharp.dll file found in Vessel Tactics\Vessel Tactics_Data\Managed; after doing that, you need to create a modded character yourself using the examples found in the "Mod Example" folder

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Could you be a little bit more speific?


how to i use this dyn?

what do you mean inject codes?

i can NOT open any files.

I'm talking about this program, it's what I mentioned in an earlier post

it's a tool used for code injection / extraction, but you're going to mainly be worried about the injection part here since you need to edit the file I mentioned to get the code you made included in it, here's a basic guide on how to use it: 

So you basically tell me.

I can simply use Dnspy and modified the code without using assest Gripper?

dnspy is required if you want to do any modification of the code itself, but there's another reason why I told you to use assetripper as well; technically using only dnspy to get the code could work, though I mainly told you to use assetripper with it as well since it gives you a version of the code that is more legible compared to dnspy's version of the code that it gives you