unfortunately, chateau is the exception to the rule since she's meant to be the dedicated heavy wg character; most wg in the game is going to be around what the other characters get (there may be more heavy wg characters in the future though)
Recent community posts
here's holstein, originally she was built for version 0.12 of the game, but I downgraded her here to be compatible with the public version of the game
also has support for blured's vt+ mod (but no custom abilities)
- cow
- 7 capacity with wg support
- milk
- unbirth / oral vore
(note that she's currently unfinished as she does not have all of her chibi sprites yet since the artist is still working on them, and I plan on properly giving her custom code in the future so her dialogue / expressions / stats are a little unpolished atm)
download her here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f9c47wfwmykukna/Holstein_0.9_for_0.1b.zip/file
art / character by 5idestep https://x.com/5idestep
writing / coding by crimson9715 (me), I also gave a little input on the design (mainly the faces)
lucid (arang) gave some creative input / direction on the personality and dialogue
(posted with dev's permission)
- Game made 100% spookier.
- Atlas-Agena has been added in as a new playable unit.
- Covenant has received a new halloween-themed skin.
- Gacha has been modified.
- Sandbox mode has been updated with new custom assets (Modeled by Antares).
- Stomach system is now mostly finished and units can now have any number of stomachs fulfilling many different roles. (Default skills have not been added for stomachs yet, meaning their use in battle is limited.)
- The Vore Chimera, an example of the new stomach system, has been added as a potential modded unit. While her dialogue is still placeholder, her skills and dialogue will be updated as those are implemented.
- All mod images are now packed into a single file the first time the mod is loaded. This operation only needs to be performed once, and afterwards all images can be safely deleted before uploading the mod.
- This packing operation will only occur when a DATA.sprite file is not present in the mod folder, so if the mod creator adds, deletes, or alter images, they must delete the DATA.sprite file and repack their mod to have those changes represented in game.
- Stomach size in the Class.txt file will now accurately represent the unit's maximum capacity, and therefore must be increased by 1 for most existing mods.
- The way images are stored in-game has been changed to be more efficient with the stomach system.
- Units have been rebalanced somewhat.
- A lot of internal systems related to vore have been reworked, so a lot of bugs have probably been added.
Known Issues:
- There is currently a visual glitch with transparency on units that will be fixed in a future update.
there is already an official discord, but it's only for members of the game's patreon https://www.patreon.com/MeshiSoftworks
here's the changelogs for the two hotfixes between the latest public release: (posted with permission of the dev)
0.1a changelog:
- Added in Avalon's weight gain. I also accidentally drew an extra WG stage for her, which I'll just leave in for now. In addition, her dialogue for removing her breastplate will be added in later alongside a system for adding different poses for characters.
- Healthbars added to digestion scenes during battle. Facial expressions are determined by the [Normal] and [Damage] tags
- Character sprites can now be of any aspect ratio, which applies to modded characters as well. There are likely still a few oversights that lead to visual glitches, but they will be fixed shortly
- You can now access the options from the main menu.
- Potentially fixed a bug causing the game to start in a tiny window
- Level up all button now works
- Levels are now kept between save files
- Units obtained from gacha will now be set to level 1
- Loading an autosave will no longer cause your save to be restricted to that file
- Camera deadzone when moving mouse to the left or bottom of the screen fixed
- Cheshire should no longer refers to you by the wrong gender
- Being digested by Cheshire while inside your secretary will not revert the secretary select button back to normal
- Added line for Cheshire at max WG
- Moved all back/return buttons in the shop to one button in the top left corner. You may also speed up or skip Cheshire's digestion scenes by pressing this button.
- Lamias in 0-3 should now act normally(?)
0.1b changelog:
- Fixed bug where healing would cause prey's healthbars to remain on screen
- Options menu in battle as been returned to normal
- Fixed bug where Cheshire's stomach would count the commander twice after eating their secretary
- Modded units are visible again
- Fixed bug where playing a female commander would cause your name to not be displayed correctly
- Corn's Entice should no longer work on units that are already digesting prey
- Avalon's Enervate now properly increases digestion timer
hotfix 0.11a got released to fix some of the bugs introduced in the update https://www.patreon.com/posts/110871610
it seems to be an issue related to the game being unable to find its asset files due to how your directory is set up:
C:/Users/Precision/Desktop/Â /New/Vessel Tactics v0.1/Vessel Tactics
unity doesn't like the  symbol, so it reads it as this instead:
C:\Users\Precision\Desktop\New\Vessel Tactics v0.1\Vessel Tactics
try renaming your directory to something else to see if that fixes it
you can just upload the raw file to a website like https://catbox.moe/ since it will likely have a ton of text located inside of it, which will be too big for a comment section like this
update is out now on patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/110495095
(note that modded characters have been disabled for this update due to it requiring fixes)
the game is still being worked on, but it's mainly kept to patreon for updates / information on the current progress of the game https://www.patreon.com/MeshiSoftworks
it's also getting a new game update there soon enough, but it will be a while before anything gets released publicly though
hotfixes are more of bug fixes / smaller content updates that had to be pushed to a later update to be able to get the major stuff in to not bog down development time; so the next public update would release when all of the smaller stuff is finished and the game is in a stable enough state before moving on to the next major content update
currently the latest version of the game is version 0.1b at patreon, but there is another huge update for the game coming out soon on patreon at least
as for whenever the public will get the update, usually it comes out when all of the hotfixes for the next major update are done so sadly you're going to have to wait until it gets all finished up (which could take a few weeks / months more)
you can use a program like AssetRipper to extract the game's assets, then create a modded character off of it with it being changed to your liking
(I would provide you the assets myself but the dev has asked to not share extracted assets publicly)
do keep in mind that 0-3 isn't really meant to be balanced as it was mainly meant to be used for testing out units you levelled up already by increasing their bond level
as for some advice for fighting queen lamia, she is still vulnerable to the effects of swallowing units (i.e. speed drops / struggle) so you can use a unit like schrodinger or cornucopia to forcibly feed them to her