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  • yeah , I thought it was enough to have just score and not a leaderboard
  • you can be on corners of the screen, eventually you need to move, but even if you beat it that way, you wont score that much. so that's okay.
  • only happens with the player when it dies collecting a health. not big issue.
  • yeah it is a minor glitch
  • you can always exit on web by closing the tab or if you downloaded the executable, it has always a close button ;)
  • that one is something that really bugged me, but had more important priorities to get done before deadline
  • that might be just your impression, the music is not positional and the game does not allow to resize.
  • sorry you felt insulted, that has a interesting story, the game didn't have powerups to shoot, I was trying to implement auto shoot but the bullets were being spawned like crazy, so I added that as a power up. and again, didn't have time to implement a proper auto shoot. did the game in day and half. I feel very proud of the result despite some things can be improved.

My man, you can totally fly waaaaaaaaaay off the screen on the right and bottom. Staying off the bottom of the screen means you can shoot the enemies, and not get hit by any of their projectiles.
As for the game not allowing resize, I'm playing on desktop and can resize the window easily.

I have no idea how you manage to do both of those things.  this is the desktop version and it does not allow to change size and also ship cannot be outside of borders.

I'm playing in the browser:

so basically, Firefox ignore setting and game settings to prevent maximize even when it is set to false, this does not happens with all other chromium based browsers like edge, brave, chrome. thanks for sharing the screenshot.