Thanks! Very fair assessment on the "obtuse" aspect. It's definitely doing a different thing.
The music player system was fun to program! Glad you liked how it turned out.
Congratulations on your first game @BitFiendish!
Lots of improvements could be made, but the game actually works, so that counts for a lot.
Surprisingly challenging to get a high score, very tight controls, not bad at all!
The "R" key doesn't restart when you have successfully escaped via the escape pod, but that's the only bug I found.
The leader-board is disconnected from the players score, so it is not qualified for the game jam. Basic endless runner style game. A scrolling foreground would have added to the sense of motion. The music is very pensive for a game called "escape the machine".
And don't tunnel boring machines make tunnels out of rock? Are you running inside the soil or something? Very confusing setting.
Lol! It's just kinda rude for someone who made the game to post a really good score, under their own name. Like, you have access to the source code, of course you CAN get the highest score.
I'm pretty sure I got them all, and there's still a really significant score gap between your score and all the other player scores. I'll gladly take second place to the dev though.
Made a video tutorial, which I concede is a tacit admission of game-design failure on my part:
Pretty standard shmup. Servicable art, sound, music.
Has implementation problems. Here are the ones I found.
Controls are good (except for no auto-shoot). Music and sound are asset packs, but unoffensive.
Cute pixel art, if a bit minimalist. A few variations on the tree sprites to break up the level design would have been nice.
Controls are a bit sluggish and unresponsive, very frustrating in a twitchy maze game like this.
Music is annoying. Step up your game Komiku!
Music adds another track playing over itself whenever you exit to the menu and re-enter the gameplay. Set the audio player Polyphonism to 1 to prevent this.
Allows any player to reset the global leaderboard! Why? Just take the "reset" button out of the release version.
Dying to the wizard fire resets you to the start of the map, but does not reset the score timer!
I see there is a melee foe running around in the background of the main menu. Curious why it didn't make it into the release game?
Overall, not bad!
You made a game! Good job getting the online leaderboard working. Would be nice to enter my name though. Also, the ms are not reflected on the leaderboard. Rounding to the nearest second is not great. Still managed to get the high-score though. I'm user 5438992 and my time is 41:721 but the leaderboard rounds it up to 42.
Consider making the super-jump controls better. The E press-release and then Space (if that is how it works) which disables your jump while holding E is not intuitive. Or maybe E briefly turns off gravity?
Also, a quick-restart would be nice, or even a way to go back to the main menu without winning.