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Well... That's a 5/5 o all except accessibility.

The easter egg  is a nice sound to play, very interesting ! Beautiful song to play too, I tried a few times ! It's good the easter egg is on the itch page, else I would had to write it, but hey, I would have once I understood we could play notes. The game is just a S U P E R prototype, here I was procrastinating to learn how to use polygons, Imma go right now!

I have some features proposition / feedback for it to be better !

First, about song, it would be great if each notes had her own color.

Then, you could make the polygon shade when it's away from the origin point,. And the way it's done right now, is using polygons, i think ? It would be awesome to show a wave, that stop when hitting a wall, and repeat if there are space (keeping the distance limit for this to be effective) although I don't know how to do this for now ? !

Well, Thanks a lot for the A W E S O M E game, and for posting it in the discord <3

It reminded me that we can do anything, and everything when making a game, again, I loved it !

I would like to hear your feedback about  my game too, if you have time :)


Thanks for your feedback. I am not sure what does accesability means in the context of a game development

No, the waves aren't exaclty the polygons. When the sound is emited, a corresponding component checks the raycasts that automaically placed in a circle and  send the information to a little nodes which moves from start to raycast's hitting point, and the corresponding line updates it's shape from the positions of it's flying children.

I thought about shading a node, if it didnt hit the wall but I didn't thinking that it could shade all of them at once depending on a distance, I am a bit struggling with a gradients though 😅

Also, I am not sure what do you mean by repeating the wave. If it's what I think, it could overload screen with a bunch of waves and I think is redundant.

I am now working on that different waves would combine toogether (or push other waves) when collide, to remove a bit mess on corners. But now it's eather glitchy or heavy on a computing powers

Definately will check your game 🤗

I would love to help you on your project, first to see your method, second because i'm curently lurning and creating tools using polygons2D, lines2D and curve2D; Second, because your project is pretty cool and I like it; third because All you can see into my game is me, (except background but I can make my own using shaders) And i would love to help you with putting colors, shaders and giving even more life to your wonderful project