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Було б класно якби можна було швидше на наступну клітинку клацати. Ще коли ці гієни з'їдають то дуже засмучує проходити рівень з початку.

Класна заліпательна гра. Шкода не показується high score а одразу перекидує в меню. 

Складно прослідкувати тему, і не одразу зрозумів що кубіки зверху треба перетаскувати (після того як прочитав опис). Взагалі цікава гра, чимось нагадує Dicey Dungeons. І текст хотілося б трохи більш читабельним місцями

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Якось, що б я не написав я виходжу в мінус... Схоже така ціна бути консперологом в коментарях. Ще не розумію, чому я програю, хоча у мене ще є гроші... З теми тут тільки слово на початку бульбашка.

Буду вдячний якщо оцінете і нашу гру

Цікава гра. Не завжди зрозуміло що треба робити місцями. Ще було б класно, якби після телепортації в кружечку воно мало якийсь кулдаун або ставило далі від сфери, бо дуже легко випадково знову зайти на рівень і не маєш змогу назад вийти. 

Буду вдячний якщо ви оціните і нашу гру

Класна гра, не зразу зрозумів що можна купити щось окірм звичайних бульбашок, а коли зрозумів, то стало складно) Не завжди зрозуміло що апгрейди роблять. Нижній бубльбашковий апарат ефективніше, бо гравець одразу бере декілька бульбашок замість одінєї. Але дійсно класна гра)

 Буду вдячний якщо оціните і нашу гру

Good game. A little confusing when it's teleporting. Throwing a spike is to risky though :)

We weren't in time to make a finish, in fact there was a whole mechanic of attacking that was disabled by game in the release because it couldn't find audio file.
The number keys should work when you're sitting
Thanks for your feedback!

Cool game, almost a simulator. Can't even imagine how well you should know shaders to make this... or do it uses shaders?
Would be cool to look arround (if it isn't a prerecorded video)

all 5/5. Greate idea. Fun to play. Few remarks: music isn't looping, slider moves while still not being placed, slider moves while the game is on pause (when you place a block, the game frezes, but when slider is underneeth the player it moves and the player falls). I realy  don't understand the death from falling mechanic. I think it's redundant and removes a lot of fun

I couldn't change the volume after I started the game 😅. By the way, sorry, if my comment was feeling a bit rude, i didn't mean to offend you, just maybe language problems.

Thanks for your feedback. I am not sure what does accesability means in the context of a game development

No, the waves aren't exaclty the polygons. When the sound is emited, a corresponding component checks the raycasts that automaically placed in a circle and  send the information to a little nodes which moves from start to raycast's hitting point, and the corresponding line updates it's shape from the positions of it's flying children.

I thought about shading a node, if it didnt hit the wall but I didn't thinking that it could shade all of them at once depending on a distance, I am a bit struggling with a gradients though 😅

Also, I am not sure what do you mean by repeating the wave. If it's what I think, it could overload screen with a bunch of waves and I think is redundant.

I am now working on that different waves would combine toogether (or push other waves) when collide, to remove a bit mess on corners. But now it's eather glitchy or heavy on a computing powers

Definately will check your game 🤗

Cool game. At first I didn't undestood the 2nd tab mechanic so I was just constantly breathing, and somehow complited the game. Then I saw the gif of how to do it... didn't realize the swipe use the mouse lol, silly me. Coll atmosphere and implementation of a theme

What? Is it a full game? no way you made that cool game with only a week. Very great game. I am still playing it

How to out run this dudes?!? But seriously interesting idea. I think you could have preload assets (like, make them render behind the loading screen) so there wouldn't be a freeze when you turn away from the tree. And also, when you pick up a riffle, you should have create an separate sound stream, so the sound wouldn't override itself. Overral good

Good idea. I didnt even realize the flashlight was needed until I go deeper. I think it's preety good game overall especially for 5 days. The sounds a bit too loud.

Good art, fun to play, Didn't get how to jump of the walls, you could have implement grabbind the wall mechanic. And some of the tiles didn't void with the first touch

Haha, the movement are so fun. The enemy could rotate a bit slower but overall good

A good little fun game. At first didn't understand what to do and how to defend, but then realize. Later in the game it's became boring because of a lot of resources. I think audio could have been spacial, so that when you have a lot of turrets you don't hear them all on the map. Anyway there is a room to grow

The sounds are awful, i couldn't listen to it. Overral I think the Upgrade part is a bit unnececary, you could give more attention to a collection part of the game. Also, I've lost the station behind the asteroids XD

A little fun game. A bit hard to controll but overral good

I amost cried, good game, have a nice atmosphere and theme accuracy. Also, good implementation of a Memory Lane wild card

Good interpritation of a theme. The battary time could be shorter. The game has it's own atmosphere but I think it's lacking of some music

how to empty the recycle bin? 😄