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John Wuller

A member registered Mar 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hey folks! It looks like this year (and last year), there were two 0hr game jams!

Would this be something that could be feasibly combined into one joint event in future years? The more submissions the merrier, right? Even if all the submissions don’t come in at the same time (due to different regions and all that), I still feel like that’d help make the event more fun!

(Disclaimer - I’m not involved in managing either event, and I don’t live near either place that’s hosting these. I’m just a guy who likes writing games in 1 hour!)

This game is really great!

Nice game! I just wish it felt nicer to control the character. I think maybe if the character slid to a stop instead of instantly stopping and if the character’s movement started gradually, that’d make a big difference. Overall, great job!

Not a problem!

Any chance I can convince you to rate our game? It’s at 19 ratings and we just need one more! Thank you so much, and if you don’t have the time, don’t worry about it!

Want to trade rating for rating?

This is such a cute, fun game! Even if my cat keeps getting wet, it is really fun!

Nice game! The sound effects and everything was great! It heavily reminded me of Jonas Tyroller’s game Thronefall, just in 2d and pixel art.

Hello! I’d really appreciate it if you could try our game. We’re just a few ratings away from 20. Thank you so much!

Would you mind rating our game? We’re really close to 20 but just like 2 ratings away! Thank you so much!

I enjoyed your non-trash game! Interesting to see that we weren’t the only ones to use a tetris-like theme (though you did it much better lol)

Nice game, but as everyone else is mentioning, the game feels impossible to beat. I feel like it’s hard to represent moving a 3d-arrow with only 2 mouse directions. But nice music!

I love the art and the music! My one concern is the gameplay. It felt very repetitive - get the steak, cook it, and feed the clients. Overall, though, the personality of the characters and the great intro cutscene worked great!

Nice game! I think I mirror Ben’s comment that it’d be nice to have some source of light in the dark rooms - it felt like I was having to feel my way along the walls and around the obstacles, and I didn’t find that fun - just annoying. But good game overall!

I like the concept of helping out a kid on an abandoned place island before the storm comes! My only concerns are:

  • When I first tried in medium resolution, I felt like I got stuck on some invisible walls. I also felt that way on the higher resolution, but I was able to get to the upper part of the island;
  • It felt slippery, like I was on ice, not on sand. I wish there was more traction;
  • I wish the volume was down by default.

Besides that, I enjoyed playing! Thanks for playing our game!

I’ll rate yours if you rate mine!

I’ll rate yours if you rate mine!

The music of this game was great, as was the pixel art! Mr. Mustachio will fall in front of my POWERS!

I did have problems with the resolution, but once that was sorted out (I downloaded it using the app), it worked well.

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Watching to leave a comment now! (ed. Liked and commented!)

(2 edits)

Hi all!

Today (Wednesday, 9/18), I’m going to be streaming myself playing Brackeys Jam games! Post below, and if you’re online when I get to your game, I’ll play it live!

I’ll be starting the stream at around 7:30 pm eastern (so a bit over an hour from the time of posting) at

Also, check out our game!

Hey! I tried to play this game, but Itch gave me a “Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header “Content-Encoding: br” present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.” error.

This was a fun, somewhat-relatable game! I may or may not have had a bit too much fun constantly jumping on and off of split-screen multiplayer just to annoy my brother.

There was a very cool creepy effect at the end! I’m still a bit confused about what was going on, but overall a nice, short horror game!

This game is completely hilarious and I love it! Good job making this in 0 hours!

If you want, you can a Scratch project an executable here:

We should start a VC or something to hang out during the jam!

Great game! I really like the different ways you’re forced to interact with the AI. My only problem was that it was hard to use the pause/play button since I would sometimes activate it twice. Other than that, great game!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, I can’t do anything except die in the laser and get stuck in the laptop. The environment and your characters are amazing though!

Great job on a first game! The animations are very smoothly implemented. I wish the camera was a bit smoother when traveling up and down, but great job on your first try!

I really like the game! I wish you could speed up the vacuums a bit and that the animations were a bit more smooth (like having the vacuum move rather than teleporting block by block), but you have a very good puzzle mechanic! Given more time, this definitely has a lot of potential!

I love the game and the concept, but my only complaint is that the gravity feels a bit sluggish. I wish you could press a button to quickly increase gravity. I also wish you didn’t have to start at the beginning every time you lost a level - maybe you could just restart the individual level?

Great game overall!

I like the game’s art, but it took me a while to figure out that I could use the robot as a shield which I could punch thru. I also didn’t realize until reading your comment that you need to push the robot off the edge. I think the game has great potential; I just wish the mechanics were explained in-game.

This is a fun game, and I say that as someone who doesn’t usually like rage games! There were so many moments when the game would bring make me lose 20-30% of the level, but I think that’s by design :-)

This game was a blast to play!

I really like this game! I didn’t understand it at first, but after playing it once or twice, I was able to get a hang of it.

I feel like the upgrades could have been better explained, but putting a full explanation would have brought the game to a standstill the first time you opened the shop. It’d have to be a careful balance.

Overall, great game!

This is a really great game! It has a unique idea, and I really love the robot, its expressions, and its voice lines! I feel like I need to say this again - the robot is amazing! Its voice lines are incredible and I think pretty much everything relating to the robot is incredible!

That said, I have one major complaint. Often, I’d end up in situations like this: and every time I’d try to hit the box, I’d accidentally hit the ground right in front of me. Beyond that (and the sometimes sluggish platforming), the game is very well done! Great job!

This was a very simple, very fun puzzle game! I like how you have to help out the AI rather than completely controlling the AI or being assisted by it. It could be a bit more polished, but it’s still pretty good!

I really like the game’s idea and theme. Given some time to develop the game and set up a goal, I think this could be really cool! I really like the creativity you put into the idea of the game.

The game is good, but just needs a bit more polishing and some variation in the gameplay.

Also, if you hold down the right arrow, you’ll end up inside of the truck. When you’re in the truck, you catch all of the packages, no matter how they’re thrown :-)

This is a very unique game with a great concept! It was a bit hard to understand at first (and the game itself is pretty difficult), the game feels very polished. Great job!

Hey Owen! Thanks for the in-depth review and the positive feedback!

I agree that the infodump at the beginning wasn’t the best idea. We were running out of time and needed to quickly put an introduction and list the controls, so this was the quickest way I could come up with (you’ll see my last game jam game has the same problem). A better tutorial would have been nice, but we didn’t have tome to implement it. We could have put the controls in the description, but just because the controls are in the description doesn’t mean everyone will read them.

When you miss a control three (I think) times with the same agent, you’ll lose because the agent is too suspicious of you. Given more time, I was planning on making the agents interact with each other and share their individual suspicion levels (notice that you have to salute the agents but they never salute each other), but we didn’t get around to that. Do you think it would have been better to just have one one overall suspicion level for all the agents rather than giving each agent their own level of suspicion?