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invelica [300g curry rice]

A member registered Feb 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I love short games, especially for game jams, and I'm glad the timer both fit the game theme and IMO helped the gameplay. I also love my artists for turning out such incredible work hahaha (and the free music sites I use for banger BGMs).

Floaty physics is a comment I've received a few times both from inside and outside the team haha. I feel like I got used to it (maybe an artifact of the Mario teardowns I used as a baseline for the game) and overall wanted to enable higher mobility (thus the double-jump), but I'd be happy to hear if you have any references for games that you thought this might be more appropriate to feel like. It's a good excuse for me to play more. :P

Thank you!! I ended up doing basically all the level design real late, I almost felt like I just wrote a short story wrapped around some simple platforming. But in the end the timer made it a lot of fun for me lol

Magnet was one of the abilities I really wanted to implement as well! I had technical issues (the same reason the coins get stuck everywhere and also don't slide from side to side), so I wasn't able to in time unfortunately.

Thanks for the keen insight on how to fine-tune the physics! (and I definitely dislike the maze room the most myself lol) I threw together the physics kind of sloppily on the first day by just referencing a few Mario teardowns; if I have more time, I definitely would want to study some famous ones to understand how they nudge things in favorite of the player. I remember reading some really interesting things about Celeste in this regard.

Fellow Godot person wooo

I've never done a Nurikabe puzzle before and I can confirm now I am very bad at them.

Small note: playing on a MacBook Pro, I think the resolution is kind of messed up (see picture). I have issues with my games where I have to turn off Allow HiDpi to make it look good on Mac. Of course this has downsides with rendering though. Hopefully later I will try this on my Windows machine to see how it looks.

Great sprite work! I like how the game looks. I agree with Cathulhu here that the visibility of Seibanki's head is a bit hard to distinguish against the background and with Mystialic that the head has some weird bounces (especially when coming down from the top trying to get into the eye's chamber in the first level). Still, it's a solid Breakout implementation. Grats!

oh heck yeah card games

As a Slay the Spire fan, I found the gameplay here pretty intuitive, though of course the tough part about card games is balancing the progression. :P I agree with dosei in that some additional feedback / streamlining would be helpful. For example:
* I beat all the enemies turn 1, then no enemies spawned turn 2. This made more sense as I progressed (and also failed to get rid of enemies lol)
* It's unclear what enemies do unless I memorize the instructions (could probably just paint it onto their sprite lol)
* Actions that don't have a target (dodge, draw cards, etc) feel like they'd be more efficient if I could just use them without selecting a target.

also yeah that jazz song is a lot of fun!! gj

I am embarrassingly bad at this game lol

I ended up just mashing space until I figured out the timing for hitting the shuttle, which felt like cheating; I'm not sure if there is a penalty for this at all (well, in real life, my arm would get tired) or if it's possible to miss while "recovering" from a swing. Probably people like me could benefit from some more assist early on (like an height indicator that shows about when to swing or something)

That said, the 3D models are really cute and it's a fun, nicely built idea! Grats!

This is so cute!! The story is adorable and I thought the boss rabbit fight in particular had a lot of polish.