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A member registered May 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool that you made a multiplayer game. :D

I love this game! It's my favourite entry!
Please keep making games!

I completed the game in one sitting with a smile on my face the whole time.
The level design was pretty good, I never felt too lost ... and the frequency of new items and dialog was perfect!

If you were trying to make a serious game like the original Alien movie... you messed up a little by adding the weapon pew noise and jokes
BUT the weapon pew noise and jokes are what make me love this game.

Med-pac side effects may include: Raised Heart-rate, Sudden Coma, Increased Depression, Decreased Depression, Constant Heart-Attacks, Death or Death-like symptoms.

The dialog reminded me of Portal 1
Keep being you, 10/10 game.

This is a fun game.

I usually don't like games where you can shoot as fast as you want because I mash too hard and hurt my fingers lol . But here the variation in shoot noise makes shooting fun.

Also like the simple retro vector style graphics and how the ship controls :D.

Runs well in a browser.

No criticisms. Simple concept, well executed.

Good job on submitting :)
The art, map and animations are really cool.
I think maybe you over scoped a bit, a smaller but more complete game could have been more fun.

Maybe you'll make some updates though :D

Autorunner top down shooter is an interesting idea.

You credit music on the game page, but I don't hear any music :( -- I'm running the linux build.

I also had trouble with music on my game, but got them working after using ffmpeg with:
ffmpeg -i audio_in.wav -ac 2 -b:a 160k -ar 44100 -acodec libvorbis audio_out.ogg

I think you're on mac and can do that from your terminal, replace audio_in.wav for you mp3 or music file. 

(2 edits)

Hey Thanks :)
Yea, I should have used the extra week to try to make a tile set and design levels :( .
I'm not really an artist :P, I compiled Aseprite from source and spent a long time redoing art until it looked good.
I think with a door sprite with a big flashing key hole the door will make more sense :)

I'm thinking about carrying on working on the game and changing a few things :)
+ Finish Sprites
+ Change controls to mouse + keyboard / duel stick shooter
+ Have multiple levels with a 5 star rating
Though I might try some other Game Engines first :)
Had fun in my first Game Jam :D

Cool snake game, I like the idea of eating enemies/spawners as the snake and all the sprites are really pretty :D
Also good job on the music :)

Can't really think of any criticisms.
Maybe the specials could have been more fun, but I'm not sure how 🤔 

Cool game. Runs well in the browser :D

I'd recommend the program "Bfxr" for quickly generating sound effects :) , sounds will add a lot to your games with little work :D

My dog did this exact thing and was lost for 2 weeks :(

She's good now though :) , I sit and cuddle her everytime there's fireworks

My dog did this exact thing and was lost for 2 weeks :(

She's good now though :) , I sit and cuddle her everytime there's fireworks

Thanks :) . Orcs Must Die was one of the inspirations for this game :D

Yea I think you're right. Each room should be about a screen size or a little bit more.
The AI is smart enough to navigate mazes to get to the player/factories, but the level design and that the player can't place barricades doesn't really show them off.

I think I'll work on the project a bit after the jam with 3 main changes.
1. More levels with better level design
2. Duel stick / mouse keyboard controls instead of Gauntlets control scheme
3. Better performance.

Hey, thanks for playing and the nice comment <3

Creative use of assets, my favorite is the guy who shoots axes.
The hero who shoots swords with his pistol is a little silly lol.
Good job <3

Cool idea to mix the game jam theme (Breakout) with Gauntlet ;P lol

Nice atmosphere. I like the main character :)
The sprite you included in your dev log is really cute too :D

Looking forward to future updates :), I'm sure you have a really cool story and if you can add more enemies and increase the difficulty a little that will help I think. (I'm not too scared of the zombies because I run soooo fast.)

Cool idea to mix the game jam theme (Breakout) with Gauntlet ;P lol
I'm not sure why you added a shrink button ... I like the shrink button ... but why? lol

When I play from the binary at 60fps the character feels too fast, and looks like sonic. But the faster speed makes the web version more fun to play.

Keep up the good work <3

(1 edit)

This games fun but also frustrating -- not in a bad way, the game feels fair and despite having lots of rng elements it feels like if your smart and have patience you won't die.
Reminds me a bit of bop-it, making quick easy decisions between music beats and eventually you mess up due to time pressure.
I'm on level 31, happy the BPM locked at 160 :P 

I only see 1 thing potentially wrong with the game.
The closed treasure chest sprite with a key hole is potentially confusing when the other interactable is a key.
And on Linux Mint when the song changes I get a loud audio pop, which is a shame because otherwise the audio is fantastic :)
(Might check later if this also happens on windows.)

But yea, the game's fun <3 

Only change today (I hope lol) was rebuilding under the name "chip" instead of "c.h.i.p" since having dots before the file extension is weird.

(3 edits)

Cool game. The idea is solid and just needs some tweaking to make a very good game :).
Good job on getting your art assets done and adding music :). The map changing colour each time is also a nice touch. The title screen to play transition is really cool.
I kinda like the difficulty. Though, I did play some Starcraft Broodwar lol
A very easy level 1 would be nice just for letting brand new players figure out the rules/controls. -- Just 2 enemy spawners, spawning half a fast, something like that. 
The current group movement is pretty good :) , but I wish they didn't get stuck when walking straight.
With some more development this could be a very fun single player RTS.