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A member registered Oct 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like this game! Being able to fly freely through 3D space and rack up points from tricks is neat. Nice work!

Nice mix of card games and tower defense. I think speeding up the battle would definitely make it much more fun. Great game tho!

I like the creativity, and the idea is really interesting. Great game!

Thanks for your feedback!

I love playing shooter games! The shooting mechanic seems to work well but it seems like it takes too many shots to kill the enemies. I like the graphics and post processing options it's really nice. I wish you could change your mouse sensitivity though especially since you can play in first person. Also the scene is kind of dark and the materials on platforms and everything has too much reflectiveness, I think if you tone those things down, the game will be much more enjoyable to play.

Great game overall though!

I like the cute duck haha. The gameplay was nice and I like the how the duck shoots out feathers. I found the lack of background music a bit odd, but after a bit I think that's fine because when the monster got me, it was really goddamn loud so the contrast in volume scared the shit out of me lmao. 

Some sound effects DEFINITELY would have made the game much more immersive. But yeah good job on this game man I like it :)

I like the idea of the game and also the art. I definitely see a lot of potential here, but here are some small tweaks that might end up making your game much much better!

- maybe add an option to run backwards because if you miss a ninja, you can't complete the level
- increase the hit range on the ninja because right now you have to be really close to attack
- be able to attack the enemy ninja stars and CANCEL(destroy) them, I think this feature would be SUPER nice and make the gameplay feel much more interesting

So yeah I think you have a good game here that could be made much better with some small changes. Good job man!

Great game that combines memory with platforming. I like how it gets harder by giving more and more colours to remember. Some improvements that can be made is maybe bigger platforms because I was always slipping off of them haha, and also maybe only re-show the patterns if the user requests/clicks to reshow? Just to prevent too much unneeded repeated steps. Overall great game though I liked it!

First off great art and creativity of gameplay! Must have been a lot of work coming up with all the possibilities of dialogue for the characters. Personally though I don't really know how the character's dialogues were supposed to help me make a decision and I kind of just guessed but I guess I got lucky and got it right lol. Maybe you can have a tutorial screen describing the objective of the game. Other than that I really like the style of gameplay of this one, it's pretty unique from every one else's games, Good job!

Nice game! I particularly like the police car because it forces you to kill it, which keeps the game much more interesting than if it was just the yellow and blue cars. Maybe you can try adding different score multipliers or something as well as the speed of the cars increases as time goes on? Other than that great gameplay :)

I really like the concept of the game! It's such a cool idea to be trying to accomplish two goals simultaneously. There's quite a few levels which is good too. The character controls are nice and the gameplay is interesting. Only thing is in the beginning levels I didn't know where to jump to complete the level, I just had to guess that you jump off screen somewhere haha or maybe my resolution was just messed up.

It also is REALLY mixing genres as the theme says. I really like where you went with this!

Thanks! Yeah it's a bug that I had during the submission, it's fixed now but waiting for voting period to be over.

Thanks so much for your feedback mikhomak!

Thanks, yeah the weapon choosing is bugged right now, I fixed it already so it'll be updated when the voting period ends. I definitely will be adding more audio, thanks for your feedback!

I really like the limited vision and exploring for the portal while having to kill enemies along the way. The art is nice and the faces honestly scared me when I first teleported into the level haha. The limited ammo was annoying at first because of how many shots it took to kill the enemies, but I started to just run past the enemies. 

I made it to the boss and killed him, I don't know if it was a bug but the game just closed after I shot the last bullet into him so I don't know if the game crashed or if it's supposed to be like that. Anyways overall a good game!

Thanks for the feedback!
- oh yeah I forgot to make the player move with the platform, thanks for pointing that out, I'll be taking your idea and adding it for the next update
- Yeah I was watching his video while making the game and before I knew it, my game turned out to be really similar haha, I'll be making lots of changes after the game jam to make it into my own game that's nice and original!

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah the weapon choosing menu is bugged right now but I can't fix it until the voting period ends.
- that's a good idea because right now the enemies just spawn out of thin air haha

Thank you, glad you gave it a try even though its not something you usually play!

Wow thanks for the detailed feedback!
- yeah good point, I definitely will be making the movements more smooth cus right now it's pretty stiff
- I will be changing some looks of the enemies and the UI screen, I kinda just slapped those on with little time remaining so the aesthetic is all over the place haha
No problem I'll take a look at your game!

I'm glad you liked it!

I'll be honest, I was using this game jam to just learn new skills, so I did watch his video and somehow before I knew it, it turned out really similar HAHA, after the voting period though, I'll be making lots of changes so that it's much more original and won't look like dani's game at all anymore!

On my game page, I also have a link to a browser version! You can try that out

Nice game! I like the hiding mechanic to prevent yourself from being detected by the enemies. The stealth factor was neat, but I'm actually glad we had an option to kill the robots because if it was only stealth, it might have been a bit bland but that's just my opinion so good design choice there. Something that might make the game better is if you're only counted as being caught if the robot sees you for like more than half a second or so because right now it seems too sudden when you get caught. 

Overall good job on the game, you did great!

I like the gameplay and the idea of shooting the music beats. The music good as well as the 3d models, especially the raygun. The player movement was nice and smooth I really liked it. I'm a bit confused what the game is supposed to be able though because one level you're shooting enemies, another level you're shooting music blocks haha. Other than that the game was pretty well made!

It was a pretty challenging game with the slippery player movement, but I think that's what makes this game good! The song choice matches the pixel art well. The amount of levels was great because it didn't make the game feel repetitive. I never got to beat the boss so I don't know what happens after that, but this is a pretty well polished game good job!

(1 edit)

I really like the low poly art! The gameplay was also really nice, planting seeds to grow your tower defense was pretty cool concept, but I wish they didn't die so easily from the UFOs haha. The UI, and transitions like the clock wipe was really nice. Very creative way to mix genres for sure. Great game and the post processing makes the game look even better!

The song choice was great because it gives the game a really chill vibe. The visuals were clean and the colour theme was nice. The typing gameplay was pretty cool, but personally I would have preferred for it to maybe be a bit more challenging, not necessarily more letters but maybe the enemies move towards you faster. 

Good concept and gameplay overall!

Wow this is really nice both visually, and auditorily. The gameplay is pretty creative how you need 4 stacks of the beats for your towers to attack. I will say though, it was a bit confusing at first because I didn't know you had to have 4 of the same beats for your towers to attack, so I was spamming all the different beats to make a cool sounding rhythm lol.

Overall, good game it has a lot of potential as a prototype!

I really like the concept of same colored bullets can only go through same colored lasers. The levels were pretty well made in my opinion but there was a level I was stuck on so I kinda of just fit my spaceship through some cracks in the asteroids to pass the level lol.

Some sound effects and music would have definitely made the game a lot more immersive, but overall it was a pretty good game!

This is actually a pretty polished game. I really like the mechanics that you built around the different colours, especially the two colours that you choose on the sides of the character mixing to create a different colour (eg. blue and red made magenta). The UI was also really nice visually  which is always nice for players.

Gameplay was fun and interesting with all the different weapons. I think what could be improved (maybe you didn't have time for this), but maybe a tutorial or screen explaining what the different weapons are because I didn't know how to get mana at first haha. Overall great game though!

Hi guys, hope y'all enjoyed the game jam. I want to play as many of your games as possible, rate them and give some constructive feedback from a player's perspective. Leave a link to your game and I'll try my best to get through as many as possible!

oh yeah you can play my game too if you want lol

Thanks for your feedback! I agree, definitely could have polished the mechanics a bit more to make it more enjoyable

thank you!
There's a bug for not being able to choose the extra weapons but enjoy!

Originally was going to make a music puzzle game, but couldn't figure it out so I made this abomination instead